Monday, December 30, 2019

Basic synopsis of IPM Philosophy

हम ना उर्दू ना हिंदी में ग़ज़ल कहते हैं 
हम तो बस अपनी बोली में गज़ल कहते हैं 
जो अमीरी में ग़ज़ल कहते हैं वह कहते होंगे 
सच्चे शायर तो फकीरी में गज़ल कहते हैं

अर्थात इस व्याख्यान अथवा लेक्चर अथवा बातचीत  में मैं अपने आईपीएम से संबंधित स्वयं के अनुभव को साझा करना चाहता हूं।
To day I would like to share my own experience about IPM in this speech or talk.

Misuse of chemicals in Agriculture led their abuses to nature and society which tend us to adopt IPM.
  दिमाग की गीजा हो या गीजाए  जिस्मानी
  यहां तो हर गिजा में मिलावट मिलती है
अर्थात भोजन हो ,पानी हो, हवा हो, मिट्टी हो, पर्यावरण हो, और दूध अथवा फल हो या अन्य कोई खाद्य सामग्री हो आजकल सभी में मिलावट मिलती है किसी में रासायनिक कीटनाशकों के अवशेष मिलते हैं तो किसी में हेवी metal आदि के अवशेष मिलते हैं जो हमारे शरीर पर दुष्प्रभाव डालते हैं।
 भूख ही मजहब है इस दुनिया का
 और हकीकत कोई नहीं
It is not that pesticides have failed to grow safe crops and to ensure the safety to the environment, ecosystem, biodiversity nature and society but it is we who failed them.Each and every nook and corner of Environment have contaminated with chemical pesticides. 

जहां तक काम चलता हो  गी जा  से
 वहां तक बचना चाहिए दवा से
Focus on process not on profit.
Feed the soil not to the plant.
Make the soil strong.
Grow safe crops.
देसी बीज देसी गाय देसी केचुआ और देसी उपाय
यही है आई पी एम एवं प्राकृतिक खेती के उपाय
  एक बात हमेशा याद रखना की कोई भी नई बात लोग आसानी से ग्रहण नहीं करेंगे। तुम उनकी सदियों पुरानी धारणाओं को तोड़ रहे हो, वह तुमसे प्रेम नहीं करेंगे । पहले वह तुम्हारा उपहास करेंगे फिर हिंसक होंगे फिर तुम्हारी उपेक्षा करेंगे  फिर तुम्हें स्वीकार करेंगे । बस तुम अपना ध्यान एवं सहनशीलता ना तोड़ना। by  Acharya Rajneesh.
          In today's social, ji economical,Environmental,ecological,and natural context and scenarios, the concept of crop production ,protection IPM and crop management 
 must be environmental,natural, society friendly ,profitable, demond  based business and trade oriented to maintain harmony with nature and ,society to make   life styles easy and also able to promote social,natural,Environmental,ecological,development along with G D P based economical development and also able to improve the livelihood of each and every segment of society. 

1.What is IPM? Let's define  IPM ourselves based on our professional, social, cultural, we were ,political and administrative,economical,personal life experiences.
2.IPM is not a method but it is a concept.
What is a concept?
 Concept of IPM.
     Integrated pest management (IPM)is the way of farming from seed to marketing for the production of healthy,safe,profitable, and bumper crop harvest to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure, with minimum use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers by suppressing and maintaining the pest population below Economic threshold level (ETL)or at the level at which the harm due to the pests is inflicted to insignificant or minor. ,through the adoption of all available,affordable,acceptable,,feasible and safe methods of pest management in . manner or in Integrated manner  based on regular pest surveillance ,monitoring and Agroecosystem Analysis  with least disturbance to the community health, Environment,ecosystem, biodiversity,nature and society aiming to ensure food security along with food safety, to maintain ecological balance in nature and to make Environment neat,clean and green to sustain life on earth to promote or to ensure economical GDP based Development along with the Environmental, ecological, and sociological development and also to maintain harmony with the nature and society .

3.IPM is not confined only up to the plant protection but it is also beyond
 the plant protection associated with all other  aspects of life.
4.IPM is a skill development programme to make IPM stakeholders and users  competent to use and apply IPM 

.Change of the mindsets of IPM stakeholders.

We had never thought earlier that a day will come when we will purchase Earthworms ,Cowdung etc.
5.IPM is also beyond plant protection
6.IPM can only be learnt in the fields.It is a field based subject.
7.Difference between plant protection and IPM.
8.IPM is a philosophy related with Science,society,nature,Ecology and ecosystem,Economy,policy,national and international issues,or global .Spiritual,and livelihood related issues ,aspects and percepectives.
9.Availibility of infrastructure,man material ,IPM inputs,Machine and tools,methods and money.
10.IPM is a social movement to maintain harmony with nature and society while doing farming .It is is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society wit h sympathy to the nature and society.
11.IPM is based on the principles of ., tolerance and harmony.. of making the farming  profitable and safe to nature and society.
13,IPM is an intention to grow bumper crop,safe crop,healthy crop with least or without disturbance to the community health,ecosystem, biodiversity nature and society.
14.Change of pro chemical pesticidal mindsets of all IPM stakeholders ,Ensuring timely availability of quality IPM inputs at the doorsteps of the farmers,Promoting the use of nonchemical or biopesticidal and other plant and animal based IPM inputs ,using chemical pesticides only as an emergency solution for pest Management on the basis of their assessment through Agroecosystem Analysis and strict pest Surveillance and monitoring,Creating awareness among the farmers and other IPM Stakeholders about ill effects of  chemical pesticides on nature 
 society and availability of beneficial organisms their role in crop production, protection and Management  of natural resources are the major mandatory requirements for the implementation of IPM.
आईपीएम भागीदारों एवं किसानों की खेती में रसायनों के प्रयोग को वरीयता पूर्वक प्रयोग करने वाली सोच को बदलकर, आईपीएम  इनपुट्स की उपलब्धता को किसानों के द्वार पर सुनिश्चित करके, एक विशेष समय अंतराल पर फसलों में पाए जाने वाले हानिकारक एवं लाभदायक जीवो की संख्या का आकलन एवं निगरानी करके ,फसल पारिस्थितिक तंत्र का विश्लेषण करके निकाले गए निष्कर्ष के आधार पर तथा रसायनों के उपयोग को सिर्फ आपातकालीन स्थिति के निपटान हेतु प्रयोग करके और बाकी समय पर रसायन रहित विधियों को बढ़ावा देकर आई पीएम को सुचारू रूप से क्रियान्वित किया जा सकता है l
15.Restoration of damaged ecosystem, damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides. 
16.Vision for the betterment of the future.
17.Farming with intention of reducing the dominancy of the chemical pesticides in Agriculture. 
18.AESA based system of IPM.
19.IPM is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society.
20.Bioecological approach of Pest Management.
21.Studying and implementing the  crop production ,protection and management  system already going on in the field.
22.IPM is the way of making crop production ,crop prtection and crop management  system safe to change  poisonous farming in to safe farming .IPM is the removal and reduction  of those Agricultural practices which are harmful Environment, ecosystems, nature and society.
23.IPM helps to make Agriculture economically viable,ecologically sustainable,profitable,climatically strong,and Environmentally safe .
24.IPM requires a fresh political, beaurecratic, social,thought and vision supportive to Environment, ecosystem, biodiversity, nature, and society to grow safe crops ensuring  safety to Environment ,nature,and society  through ensuring of neccessary infrastructure and ,inputs at doorsteps of the farmers. 
25.A strong political and beaurecratic willpower,and support, correct vision,working attitude in team ,proactiveness ,to get success at any cost or in any way with correct objectives  and achieving  goals  with available resources  ,creating awareness and motivating the stakehodes are the main components of strategies to be included  for implementation of any concept to get desired results and success .These components were adopted by our Hon Prime Minister to combat Covid p byroblem in the country during the year  2020.Same steps and components can also be used  to implement IPM .
     We learnt a lesson from the. strategy  to combat Covid 19 problem during 2020 that if we can combate the Covid problem without medicine then  why we can not implement IPM without availability of IPM inputs. IPM  inputs can only facilitate us to implement IPM. 
  Adopt IPM to produce safe and healthy food which give us healthy and prosperous society and healthy nation contributes to make FIT INDIA MOVEMENT SUCCESSFUL.
  Philosophical aspects of IPM:-
1.IPM is a bioecological approach for which Ecofriendly, nature and society friendly approaches must be applied or promoted. IPM is a concept not method of pest management.
IPM is a bioecological,sociological, economical,physiological,Environmental,and nature friendly approach of Pest Management which includes traditional and modern methods of pest management .
27.Tolerate the crop loss due to pests up to the pest population below Economic threshold level. 
3.The pest population up to ETL is required for the survival of the biocontrol agents found in Agroecosystem and to maintain ecological balance in the particular Agroecosystem. 
4.Make the Agriculture profitable while doing IPM.
5.Improve the financial status of the farmers.Produce quality Agricultural commodities which are safe to eat.
6.Take care of the health of the Soil ,water, farmers and end users while doing IPM.
7.All organism found in Agroecosystem are not pests Mejority of them are beneficial which help to regulate the population of the pests.These beneficial organisms found in Agroecosystem must be conserved in agroecosystem. 
8.Not all the pests must be controlled .Control only those pests which do not provide us time to control them .
9 Pest population must be managed not to be controlled. 
10 IPM approach is a participatory approach in which all the stakeholders must participate to gather.when ever they are required 
11.Plants have their every parts more than their requirements. 
12.The plants have an ability to sustain themselves under certain adverse conditions up to certain extent. 
 13.A crop field have abundance of of beneficial organisms which regulate the pest population.We must conserved thse beneficial organisms in agroecosystem. 
14.Abiotic factors also affects the loss of the crop yields significantly.We must also consider those factors.
15.The plants have apability to compensate the yield  loss due to pests up to certain
In extent.
16.Do not consider any organism as a pest without assessing  their risk potential .
17.Do not consider any pest  organism  as a pest if  the yield loss caused by it is below ETL .
18.Pesticides are more harmful than the pests.
19.No any chemical pesticide is safe .20.Calender based application of chemical pesticides is neither required nor useful for the crop production or crop yield.
21.All the chemical pesticides are poisons.
22.There is no good or bad chemical pesticides.pest are always poisons .They will always behave like poisons.
23.IPM is not against the use of the chemical pesticides but it is against the  misuse of the chemical pesticides. 
24.Love to nature and love to society is the mantra of IPM.
25 .Relating,difining and describing  IPM with different aspects of life, society, sprituality,trade and nature with different scientific, social,ecological ,economical ,Environmental ,plant physiological ,,plant physiological,and national and international parameters with different principles and themes is called the philosophy of IPM .Different aspects of IPM philosophy are given as follows.......

अगर बचा नी है जिंदगानी
तो आगे बढ़ानी होगी आईपीएम की कहानी
और प्रारंभ करनी होगी प्राकृतिक खेती की कहानी
 Welfare $ Empowerment is the working theme of IPM
26. खेती करने की अथवा वनस्पति संरक्षण करने की सभी विधियों को समेकित रूप से इस प्रकार से रूपांतरित करना या प्रयोग करना जिससे प्रकृति, समाज तथा पारिस्थितिक तंत्र ओं को ए रखते हुए कम से कम खर्चे में फसल पर्यावरण में पाए जाने वाले सभी हानिकारक जीवो की संख्या को आर्थिक हानि स्तर के नीचे सीमित रखते हुए खाने योग्य सुरक्षित भोजन तथा व्यापार हेतु गुणवत्ता युक्त कृषि उत्पादों का उत्पादन हो सके, आईपीएम कहलाता है l
27. आर्थिक विकास के साथ-साथ पर्यावरण, प्राकृतिक और सामाजिक विकास आई पीएम का एक प्रमुख उद्देश्य है l
28. Welfare of all in Universe. ब्रह्मांड में सभी का कल्याण आईपीएम की प्रमुख थीम है l वेलफेयर एंड एंपावरमेंट ऑफ आईपीएम स्टेकहोल्डर्स इस द वर्किंग थीम ऑफ आईपीएल 
29. आई पीएम फसल उत्पादन ,फसल रक्षा एवं फसल प्रबंधन पद्धति हेतु एक संपूर्ण पैकेज है जिसमें पर्यावरण पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र प्रकृति व समाज की सुरक्षा के साथ-सथ  फसल के हानिकारक जीव की संख्या फसल पर्यावरण में आर्थिक हlनी स्तर के नीचे सीमित रखते हुए वनस्पति सर्वेक्षण किया जाता है l
30.Different IPM stakeholders have understood the IPM in different ways and perspectives leaving  behind the actual objectives of IPM.
 To grow healthy,safe and bumper crop with minimum expenditure and least disturbance to the community health, Environment,ecosystem biodiversity nature and society  while doing plant protection are also the objectives of IPM.
31. सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य, पर्यावरण, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र , जैव विविधता, प्रकृति व समाज को कम से कम बाधित करते हुए कम से कम खर्चे में नाशि जीवो की समस्याओं से छुटकारा प्राप्त करना आईपीएम कहलाता है l
32.Integrated :--Lets integrate the mindsets of  different stakeholders of  IPM ,practices of different concepts of farming systems,different methodologies of plant protection ,different themes and thoughts related with different farming  systems and plant protection,chemical methods along with biological control ,Scientific and social aspects related with plant protection,Various types of emergencies  ,role of various lPM stakeholders role of various natural resources associated with plant protection traditional methods along with scientific methods,and experiences of different IPM stakeholders. 
Pests :---Any organism which is economically harmful to man is called as pest but in my openion none the organism of the universe is pest .If any organism behaves like the pest it behaves due to provocative conditions created by man in their  habitate.
Management:----It is the way of doing work to get the desired results.While doing IPM we manage the pest population below ETL,along with total crop health,natural balance in Agroecosystem, populations of pest s and defenders,food security along with food safety,pest emergencies,biotic and abiotic stresses,challenges of climate and Global warming problems  of society related within.....

आंखों की रोशनी से कुछ हो नहीं सकता
जब तक की जमीर की लौ बुलंद ना हो
   Self commitment,self willingness,self participation ,self motivational and self visit in the field (or farmer's shadow in the field is the best fertilizer for the crop )is essentially required to achieve an objective.
IPM is my professional Soul.
Only heart felt realisation of ill effects of  chemicals,natural disasters on ,damage of Agroecosystem,biodiversity on life , nature and society will tend us or force us and farmers to adopt IPM.
Practicing IPM philosophy in proper way ensuring required IPM and Natural Farming inputs with self commitmemt,dedication,willingness and self participation by the farmers,scintists and extension workers can provide them experience and confidence wchich tend them to adopt IPM in proper way to achieve desired results.
हमने अपनी सेवाकाल के  दौरान कृषकों एवं कृषि प्रसार एवं प्रचार कार्यकर्ताओं को ",ग्रो सेफ फूड," का पाठ पढ़या उनसे खेतों में आईपीएम फार्मर्स फील्ड स्कूल का संचालन करवाया जिसमें आईपीएम  का क्रियान्वयन करवाया जिससे पर्यावरण को प्रदूषण मुक्त कराया तथा समाज को खानेके लिए सुरक्षित खाद्य पदार्थों का उत्पादन तथा व्यापार हेतु गुणवत्ता युक्त कृषि उत्पादों का उत्पादन के साथ-साथ खाद्य सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित हुई। इसके अतिरिक्त हमने समाज को रासायनिककीटनाशकों एवं उर्वरकों के दुष्परिणामों के पति जागरुक एवं सचेत किया जिससे खेती मै रासायनिक कीटनाशकोंका उपयोग कम हुआ।
गन्ने के Pyrlla के जैविक नियंत्रण हेतु इसका परजीवी एपोरिकेनिया melanoleuca को भारत के विभिन्न गन्ना उत्पादक प्रदेशों में हमारे दवारा स्थापितकरने की वजह  से पत्येक वर्ष पायरोला किट का नयंत्रण होता रहता है जिससेPyrilla के नियंत्रण हेतु गन्ने की फसल पर किए जाने वाला हवाई छिड़काव नहींहोता है जिसकी वजह से प्रतिवर्ष सरकार के लाखों रुपयो की बचत होती है । सेवा कल के दौरान विभिन्नफसलों में विभिन्न नशीजीवों की महामारियों का नियंत्रण, उनकेलिए निगरानी एवं आकलनकार्यक्रम क्रियान्वितकरके राज्य सरकारों को समय-समय पर सलाहकारी दी जिससे सही समय पर उचित रणनीति अपनाकर उन नशीजीवों को नियंत्रित कियागया तथा उनका प्रबंधनकिया गया। आईपीएम कार्यक्रम के क्रियान्वयन से देशमें रासायनिककीटनाशको द्वारा पर्यावरण प्रदूषण से बचाव हुआ तथा सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी हुआ। इसके अतिरिक्त जैवविविधता तथा फसल पारिस्थितिकतंत्र सक्रिय रहे तथा प्रकृति और समाजके बीच सामंजस्यस्थापित हुआ।
Pesticides are used only  as an emergency not as dependency.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Farmers problems

Farmers are facing different types of problems related with society,nature, environment, Govt plolicies and political,Ecological,Economical,livelihood,global warming and climatic change etc.
Food security along with food safety,trade related problems,health problems,income security,unemployment and nonavaibility of jobs,scarcity of water,land depletion,population problem,poverty, infrastructural problems, malnutrition,loaning and credit related problems,education and inflation of rates of agricultural inputs and other essential commodities, are some of the major socioeconomic problems being faced by the farmers while doing farming.
   Destruction and depletion of JAL Jamin,Jangle,destruction and extinction of several plants and animal species,ecological problems,natural disasters,climate change ,problems related with global warming, are some of the natural ,Environmental and ecological problems, being faced by the farmers.
There are. Several problems related with marketing,cost,and related with infrastructure and govt policies.
  Let's consider  to solve these problems while implementing IPM to sustain life,maintain natural and ecological balance,to maintain green revolution as green or safe,and harmony with the nature and society and also to upgrade the livelihood of the farmers and also to keep environment,neat clean and sustain life on earth.

Farmers problems

Farmers are facing different types of problems related with society,nature, environment,plolicies and political,Ecological,Economical,livelihood,trade,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management is a  way of farming without harming to the nature and society and is a kind of skill Development programme to make all IPM stakeholders competent to produce healthy,safe,bumper crops to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure, minimum use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers by suppressing the pest population below Economic threshold level through adoption of all available ,affordable,acceptable,and feasible pest management practices ,methods ,tools and techniques in to compatible and in integrated manners aiming least disturbance to community health, Environment, Ecosystems,biodiversity , nature and society and also to ensure food security along with food safety  to keep Environment clean,Green and suitable to sustain life on the earth through the management  and conservation of pests and conservation of pests and their their biocontrol agents found existing in Agroecosystems.
  IPM is a way of plant protection with due care of community health, Environment,ecosystem and biodiversity etc.
   IPM is not a method of pest management but it is the concept of the pest management which a variable process and changed as per the requirements .00
     Crop management through systematic approaches is the modern and new concept of crop and pest management .
     Integrated pest management is   The way of relating and considering the plant protection with social ,natural, ecological, economical ,political ,environmental ,natural National and international or global spiritual and livelihood perspective or aspects to sustain life on earth ,to maintain,ecological balance in nature ,to maintain Green  RevolutionGreen(safe) and to maintain harmony with nature and society .IPM practices do not operate in isolation but they work in compatible manners.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Let's save Environment

1.Lets save ,protect and preserve water,Earth,forest or jungles,and other natural resources .
2.Lets curtail  the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in
3.conserve beneficial flora and fauna found in agroecosystem.
4.Avoid single use plastic.
5.Grow safe crops
6.Convert poisonous farming in to  safe farming.
7.Limit the Corbon Emmission through vehicles ,aeroplanes,industries,
8.Lets grow plants and avoid deforestation.
9.Lets not contaminate water,air ,soil.
10 Maintain harmony with the nature.
11.Lets not misuse the natural resources.
12.Avoid industrial pollution.
13.Serciced the vehicles  periodically.
15.Promote bicycle culture.
16 Do not burn crop residue in the fields .
17.Do not burst crackers on festivals.
18.Do not burn garbage in open place.odn dumping sites.
19.Do not throw  garbage in water bodies.
20.Lets  adopt reuse,recycle and reproduce system wherever possible.
21.Lets not make Development catestrophic in nature.
22.plants the trees .
23.Conserve and save water.
24.Adopt IPM,Organic farming ,natural farming.
25.Lets no harm the nature and Environment.  26 Let's do Development as per the need of the ecosystems, Environment, and society.

Slogans related with conservation of Environment.

1.Adopt IPM for better Environment.
2.Adopt IPM to protect nature.
3.Adopt IPM to sustain life  on earth
4.Adopt IPM to conserve Environment and nature
5.IPM facilitate us in our way of living with harmony with the  nature and society.
6.IPM is the way of farming without harming.
7.Adopt IPM to maintain harmony with the nature and society.
8.Sa ve Environment to save life
9.IPM tell us the way of living with harmony with the nature, Environment and society.
10.Adopt IPM to restore damaged ecosystem11.Adopt IPMto avoid poisonous farming. Adopt IPMto grow safe food .
11.Lets go away from poisonous farming.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human beings are the top of the creatures

Human beings are considered as top of the creatures both socially and scientifically and also spiritually as God has given us a power of sense of discrimination decide which act is good and which is bad for others including society,nature,and Environment.
We are using this power for our own benefits but not for others including society ,nature and Environment.
Let's become a good humanbeing and do not harm the  others through our activities to sustain nature and life on the earth.
Let's save earth to avoid  to become  unearth (Vinashkari).Let's adopt IPM for better Environment and better future.
Lets be sympathetic to  all living and non living things of the nature to sustain life on the earth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Combating the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment,and society.

To curtail the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, change of propesticidal mindsets of IPM stakeholders,maintaining harmony with the nature and society, restoring the damaged agroecosystems due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers in  Agriculture, growing of safe food to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade are major principles ,objectives and activities to combat the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment, nature and society.Similarly,no first use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture, no trash burning of crops in the fields itself,judicious use of natural resources,adopting ecofriendly technologies of plant protection, are the main technological requirement for combating the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment  ecosystem, nature and society.

Adverse effects of certain agripractices on Environment and ecosystems

There are many Agricultural practices which leads adverse effects or I'll effects on Environment, ecosystem  and society .Some of the such burning problems,issues and practices are given here as under...
1.Burning of crop residue in certain north indian states like Haryana ,Punjab and NCR region leading the problem of air pollution.
2.Regular crop rotation of wheat and rice crops have created the problem of ground water  in states like Haryana and punjab.In general  there is a scarcity of ground water in 21 states of India.Some of the states are also facing the problem of drought continuously since so many years.
3.Indiscrinate use of chemical pesticides giving the the problems related with health hazards,Environment  and ecosystem. Indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers are giving the problems of soil,water and air pollution and damage of ecosystem and biodiversity as many beneficial organisms  like earthworms,millipedes,frogs,fire worms,velvet mites and many pollinating and biocontrol agents  have gone up to the verge extinction. We had never thought that a day will come when we will purchase even Earthworms and essential  things like water and air.
4.soil has become alkaline in nature in certain states due to regular use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers .Soil texture has also been changed in many areas due indiscriminate  use of chemicals in Agriculture.
5.loss of  fertility of soil in certain areas have also been  reported in certain places

6.Due to use of chemicals in Agriculture many microorganisms are died in the agroecosystem  found below ground level.
7.Irrigating the crops with industrial water,sewage water also causing several health problems.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Crop management as a new concept in place of IPM.

Crop Management through systematic approach  has  emerged as a new concept in place of IPM.But this concept is also not fulfilling the main objectives  of IPM as it is not dipicting the objectives of IPM related with nature, society,community health,Environment, ecosystems etc.
Each and every farmer is doing IPM by way of managing their crops with their own ways and means. He is not caring the nature,Environment,ecosystems ,community health,biodiversity etc.IPM is a kind of plant protection with due care of these aspects or things which are relted with nature and society.
IPM is a way managing the pests or crop with the management of Environment, ecosystem,biodiversity, society,health economics of crop productin and nature and its resources  etc.
To curtail the use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers, change the  pro pesticidal mindsets of all stakeholders of IPM,maintaining hofmony with nature and society by  way of maintaining sympathy to all living organisms found in agroecosystem,and also to restore the damaged ecosystem damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides in crops Nd to grow safe food to eat and quality agricultural commodities to trade are the major objectives and expectations from IPM.
Similarly no first use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture,no trash burning of crop residue in the fields ,judicious use of natural resources,adopting ecofriendly technology of plant protection and production by way of making the behavioral  change among all IPM stakeholders by way of creating awareness about I'll effects of chemical pesticides on community health, agroecosystem and on nature and its resources  are the main technoligical requirements for the implementation of IPM.