1.Lets pray with IPM Goddess for the betterment of Universe including life ,nature and society.
-Adopt IPM for better Environment to IPM for betterment and welfare of all in Universe.
- Food Security and food sefety must go on simultaneously.
,-Adopt IPM to make safe and Secure Agriculture.
To make Poison free farming and disease free society is the effort of IPM.
-Natural Farming is the improved version of IPM with no use of chemical , conservation of biodiversity and enhancement of soil fertility.
-IPM is to get rid of pest problem with minimum expenditure,minimum use of chemicals and with least disturbance to environment ecosystem ,nature and society.
-IPM is a supper concept for integration of different concepts related with crop production, protection, marketing and management up to the end use of crop produce.
2.Besides Science ,IPM is a concept, Philosophy, Spirituality, Sociology, Economics,Ecological Engineering,harmony with nature and society,conservation of biodiversity and five elements of life, skill development and Awareness programme for IPM stakeholders and also the technology of doing farming including pest management, marketing and trade ,Ecological study and manipulation,legal aspects and Ecological Engineering,harmony with life ,nature and society and creation of awareness and publicity about Ill effects of chemicals on nature and society.and improvement of fertility of soil,and conservation of biodiversity and five elements of life ie Earth,water,Agni or Solar,Sky or Cosmic Energy and air.
3.Natural farming is the improved version of I PM in which no chemical is used in farming and priority is given to improve soil fertility,qua. tity of organic carbon ,humus , microorganisms and micronutrients in soil, conservation of biodiversity, ground water,soil moisture etc. based on deshi earth worm,deshi seeds,deshi cow and deshi methods and a natural process goingon in the nature.
4.IPM has now become super integration of integration of different aspects and concepts of crop production, protection, management, marketing,post harvest technology even up to the consumption of agricultural commodities produced.
5.Do not make development catestrphic in nature.
6 IPM is .to get rid of from pest problems with minimum expenditure, minimum use of chemicals ie pesticides and fertilizers and with least disturbance of community health, environment, ecosystem biodiversity,life, nature and society.
7.Lets include the methods and inputs of natural farming in IPM as they do not have any chemical method .
8.IPM is not only related with plant protection but it is related with all aspects of life, nature and society.
9.Based on the experieces of Corona pendemic appeared during 2020 and also the experiences of Natural Farming it is cocluded that if we can contain /overcome Corona problem successfully and can do the Natural Farming without use of medicine and chemicals respectively successfully we can also implement IPM without use of IPM inputs or chemicals . It meanse that the
Farming can be done without use of chemicals .
10.A strong will power ,correct vision, willingness of doing work,proactiveness to make strategy,to get success at any cost,to motivate and aware citizens and society, enforcement of law with correct procedure,to make correct strategy at correct time,Social awareness, Education, training and self participation,demonstration, empowerment, and availability of desired inputs are the essential requirements for the implementation of IPM or natural farming.
11.IPM is the way of farming with due care of community health, environment, ecosystem, biodiversity,life ,nature and society
To ensure food security along with food safety which is based on Lord Buddha's principles of non-violence,Sympathy,tolerence, sensitivity,Harmony ,Universal brotherhood and global welfare,friendly to everyone and happiness to everyone ,Live and let live,welfare and safetey to all .
Conservation of biodiversity,natural resources and fiv--e elements of life.Rejuvination of damaged agroecosystem damaged due to indiscriminate use of chemicals in agriculture and to promote fertility,organic Carbon , humus, microorganisms and microelements in the soil.
13.Farming can be done without chemicals or insecticides but it can not be done without insects .
14. The scope of IPM will remain till human life will exist in this world.
15.I PM is a social movement to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture.
आई पी एम कृषि से रसायनों के उपयोग को कम करने का एक सामाजिक आंदोलन है ।
IPM is based on Lord Buddha's principles of non-violence, Sympathy, Tolerence, Sensitivity, Harmony,Global welfare,Friendly to every one and Happiness to everyone,and Live and Let live.
Get away from chemicals and approaching towards Nature is the basic theme of IPM.
1. प्राकृतिक खेती आईपीएम का ही एक सुधरा हुआ रूप है ।
Natural Farming is an improved version of