Thursday, February 15, 2024

Role of biological control in IPM.

What is biological control ?
*Methods of controlling pests by  using another organisms is called as biological control .
*Use of biota to control biota.
*फसलों के नासिक जीवों  को नियंत्रित करने के लिए दूसरे जीवों को प्रयोग करना जैविक नियंत्रण कहलाता है और इन प्रयोग किए जाने वाले जीवों को जैव नियंत्रण कारक कहते हैं।इस विधि में नसी जीवो तथा जैव नियंत्रण कारकों के बीच होने वाले संबंधों जैसे जीवन चक्र भोजन ,मानव सहित अन्य जीवों पर प्रभाव अध्ययन करके नशीजीवों का नियंत्रण एवं प्रबंध किया जाता है । नशीजीवों  तथा जैव नियंत्रण कारकों के परस्पर संबंधों तथा प्रतिस्पर्धा के द्वारा ही नाशी जीवो का जैव नियंत्रण कारकों के द्वारा नियंत्रण तथा प्रबंध होता है । नशीजीवों  तथा जैव नियंत्रण कारकों के बीच भोजन , जीवन चक्र रहने के लिए स्थान एवं शरण हेतु प्रतिस्पर्धा होती है।
परस्पर प्रतिस्पर्धा की दृष्टिकोण से जैव नियंत्रण कारक निम्न प्रकार के होते हैं।
Parasites,parasitoids,predators,pathogens, Antagonist organisms.
Antagonist:-Any organismthat suppressor interferes with the normal growth and activity of plant pathogens are called as Antagonistic organisms.These Antagonistic organisms can be used as biocontrol agents specially for plant pathogens.For examples.,...
Aspergillus has an Antagonistic effect on Penicilliumand cldosporium.Trichoderma has effect on Actinomycetes.
Classical biocontrol:-
It is the practice of     intro ducing one or group of biocontrol agents of foreign origin to another area to control pests .In this practice biocontrol agents are reared and mass multiplied in lab and released in the desired problematic area to control and to  establish,colonize,and introduce temporary or permanently.Direct and indirect recovery tests are conducted to see their colonizationand introduction.
Biocontrol agents are rearedon field collected or lab reared on fictitious host culture  or on real host cultures.Corcyra cephalonica is a Common laboratory host culture being used for mass rearing of biocontrol agents.
Stretagies of biocontrol;-
1.Importation of biocontrol agents .
2. Massultiplication of biocontrol agents
3.Release of biocontrol agents 
4.Recovery trials.
5 Identification of recovered biocontrol agents.
Augmentation of biocontrol agents
Supplimental release of biocontrol agents posting the naturally occurring population of of biocontrol agents.
Inundative release of biocontrol agents.
When the millions of biocontrol agents are released regularly the it is called as inundative release of biocontrol agents.
Innocultive release of biocontrol agents.
When only few biocontrol agents are released at critical time of pest stage
Conservation of biocontrol agents
Removal of those cultural practices which are harmful to the biocontrol agents is called as conservation of biocontrol agents.
To make Agroecosystem and environment favourable or conducive  for the build up of population of biocontrol agents.
To facilitate the survival and multiplication of population of biocontrol agents.

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