Saturday, September 28, 2019

Be Sympathetic to nature and society to sustain life on earth.

Life is operated,sustained,and maintained by the nature through its various ecosystems .Let's not harm the nature and its resources to sustain life on earth.Lets be sympathetic to ourselves i.e. society,and nature.Nature can fulfill our needs but it can not fulfill our greeds. Your sympathy to nature and society will make our environment, and ecosystem  clean,green and congenial to maintain or sustain life on earth.
   No more single use of plastic,No first use of the chemicals in Agriculture,  No burning of crop residues, adoption of IPM,Organic farming ,Integrated farming ,zero budet or natural farming ,,precision farming and climate smart Agriculture, are some of the technologies which can help us to grow safe and healthy food without harming the nature,Environment and society. Let's adopt IPM to promote  FIT INDIA MOVEMENT OF GOVT OF INDIA .
Clean India,green India  will make healthy  and Fit India and hit India. Let's not make Development catestrophic  in nature.
, Healthy food ,healthy Environment, healthy way of living,regular exercise, conservation of natural resources and ecosystem,are the mantras for popularizing  Fit India movement of Govt of India.
Zero defect and zero effect is the model of Development.
  There is a need to avoid indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides in Agriculture to conserve the beneficial fauna found in the agroecosystem.  Pl be sympathetic to all organisms found in agroecosystem whether they are pests or beneficials to maintain natural ecological balance in the agroecosystem.
   Use natural resources judiciously.Do not misuse the natura resources. We are going to face accute  shortage of water in near future. Ltts save and conserve water .Use water judiciously. 86% of water is used in water in rural areas whereas only 7% water is being used in urban areas and 6to 7% water is being used in industries.Farmers are 86% water who are mainly depend upon monsoon water.
Man is the only animal that utilizes the natural resources like food and water more than its requirements i .e. he is wasting the natural resources  .No other animal is wasting the natural resources .Let's not waste the natural resources.Lets try to maintain the existence of the nature and its resources to maintain our own existence in this world because our existence on the earth is only  because of the existence of the nature and its resources.Our own activities harms the nature and its resources .Lets not do any anti nature  activity.Lets help each other and help the nature.
     Global warming and climate change are the impact of the human interventions to the nature  which are mainly due to emission of the  carbon in the Environment  due to our activities being undertaken by us to maintain our existence  in the world .Global warming and climate change are threatening our existence in  world. So let's not harm the nature.Lets be sympathetic to the nature ant society to sustain life on the earth. So do not waste the time and adopt suitable measures  immediately to combat the impact of the global warming and climate  change on nature and society. Adopt ecofriendly technologies and mlm in all fields of life .

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