Saturday, October 3, 2020

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)-Concept and Philosophy in my Openion

1.IPM is a concept ,not method. Friends,   we are doing lot of activities or different types of activities to fulfill our  needs to sustain life on earth.These activities with their way of application or methods if   giving the possitive results or desired results while practicing, if are accepted by the society for practical use or  for future application become as concept .Relating,defining and describing IPM in terms of various aspects of life like social, ,natural  , trade, spritual,economical, ecological Environmental,and national ,international percepectives  and other aspects of life is called as IPM  Philosophy.I have described the IPM 
 in various aspects of life ,nature,and society which is called as an IPM Philisophy.
2.IPM is a skill Development  programme to make all the IPM stakehoders competent to grow healthy,safe,cheap,bumper crop with minimum expenditure, minimum use of the chemical pesticides and with  least disturbance to community health, Environment, ecosystem, biodiversity,nature and society which is the basic concept of IPM .
3.IPM is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society.
4.IPM is a philosophy which is related with all aspects of life. 
5.IPM philosophy is based on the principles of nonviolence, harmony,sympathy,tolerance safety,security,sensitivity and development of all.

6 .IPM is Committed to  ensure GDP based Development along with Environmental  ,Ecological ,natural ,and social development. 
7.IPM is a vision for the betterment of future.
8.IPM deals with crop production, protection and management techniques with safety to community health, Environment,ecosystem biodiversity, nature and society. 
9.To get desired results from any concept or philosophy it is necessary to practice them in proper way or proper method.
10.For  Practicing any concept or philosophy in a proper way  a  close cooperation, coordination and commitment,of their all stakeholders along with a strong leadership,with a proper vision is absolutely essential.
11.In view of todays social,natural,Environmental,ecological,and economical scenarios and context the crop production,protection ,management and IPM system must be safe,sustainable, profitable, demond based and business and income oriented and harmonious with the nature and society. 
12 .Let's define IPM with ourselves based on our professional, social, Environmental,natural, ecological , economical ,educational and scientific and research and political experiences.
13.I PM is a way of farming or plant protection as per the requirements and natural  process already going on in the nature.
14.IPM is a way of   reducing the dominancy of use ofchemicals in crop production and protection system to grow safe crops.
15. IPM is expert application or use of all available ,affordable ,feasible,and acceptable methods of pest management.
16.IPM is an intention to grow safe food to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade keeping Environment, nature and society safe.
17.IPM is the change of propesticidal mindset of all IPM stakeholders to nonchemical pesticidal mindsets.
18.Restoration of damaged ecosystem. 
19. It is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society. 
20.To reduce the dominancy of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture. 
IPM is a  AESA based system of Pest management. 
22. In today's social ,economical, environmental ,ecological and natural context and scenario the concept of crop production protection and IPM must be environmental nature, society friendly, profitable ,demand base loopd, business and trade oriented to maintain harmony with nature and Society, to make Lifestyle easy and also to able to promote social, natural, environmental, ecological development along with GDP based economical development and also able to improve the livelihood of each and every segment of the society .
23.IPM deals all aspects of life including social,economical, ecological ,natural,biological, Environmental,safety and security,religious and spritual .Let's adopt only those methods of the pest management which do not have adverse effect on these aspects .
24.IPM is a social movement to reduce use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture to grow safe food to eat ,and quality Agricultural commodities to trade and to save Environment and nature to live comfortably.
25.Creating awareness about I'll effects of chemical pesticides Environment, nature and society...
26.A strong political and beaurecratic support and will power, correct vision, proactive ness,working attitude to get success at any cost and any way savings nature and societyis essentially required to imple ment IPM which can be achieved through creation of awareness motivation and with enforcement of laws.

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