Monday, December 30, 2019

Basic synopsis of IPM Philosophy

हम ना उर्दू ना हिंदी में ग़ज़ल कहते हैं 
हम तो बस अपनी बोली में गज़ल कहते हैं 
जो अमीरी में ग़ज़ल कहते हैं वह कहते होंगे 
सच्चे शायर तो फकीरी में गज़ल कहते हैं

अर्थात इस व्याख्यान अथवा लेक्चर अथवा बातचीत  में मैं अपने आईपीएम से संबंधित स्वयं के अनुभव को साझा करना चाहता हूं।
To day I would like to share my own experience about IPM in this speech or talk.

Misuse of chemicals in Agriculture led their abuses to nature and society which tend us to adopt IPM.
  दिमाग की गीजा हो या गीजाए  जिस्मानी
  यहां तो हर गिजा में मिलावट मिलती है
अर्थात भोजन हो ,पानी हो, हवा हो, मिट्टी हो, पर्यावरण हो, और दूध अथवा फल हो या अन्य कोई खाद्य सामग्री हो आजकल सभी में मिलावट मिलती है किसी में रासायनिक कीटनाशकों के अवशेष मिलते हैं तो किसी में हेवी metal आदि के अवशेष मिलते हैं जो हमारे शरीर पर दुष्प्रभाव डालते हैं।
 भूख ही मजहब है इस दुनिया का
 और हकीकत कोई नहीं
It is not that pesticides have failed to grow safe crops and to ensure the safety to the environment, ecosystem, biodiversity nature and society but it is we who failed them.Each and every nook and corner of Environment have contaminated with chemical pesticides. 

जहां तक काम चलता हो  गी जा  से
 वहां तक बचना चाहिए दवा से
Focus on process not on profit.
Feed the soil not to the plant.
Make the soil strong.
Grow safe crops.
देसी बीज देसी गाय देसी केचुआ और देसी उपाय
यही है आई पी एम एवं प्राकृतिक खेती के उपाय
  एक बात हमेशा याद रखना की कोई भी नई बात लोग आसानी से ग्रहण नहीं करेंगे। तुम उनकी सदियों पुरानी धारणाओं को तोड़ रहे हो, वह तुमसे प्रेम नहीं करेंगे । पहले वह तुम्हारा उपहास करेंगे फिर हिंसक होंगे फिर तुम्हारी उपेक्षा करेंगे  फिर तुम्हें स्वीकार करेंगे । बस तुम अपना ध्यान एवं सहनशीलता ना तोड़ना। by  Acharya Rajneesh.
          In today's social, ji economical,Environmental,ecological,and natural context and scenarios, the concept of crop production ,protection IPM and crop management 
 must be environmental,natural, society friendly ,profitable, demond  based business and trade oriented to maintain harmony with nature and ,society to make   life styles easy and also able to promote social,natural,Environmental,ecological,development along with G D P based economical development and also able to improve the livelihood of each and every segment of society. 

1.What is IPM? Let's define  IPM ourselves based on our professional, social, cultural, we were ,political and administrative,economical,personal life experiences.
2.IPM is not a method but it is a concept.
What is a concept?
 Concept of IPM.
     Integrated pest management (IPM)is the way of farming from seed to marketing for the production of healthy,safe,profitable, and bumper crop harvest to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure, with minimum use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers by suppressing and maintaining the pest population below Economic threshold level (ETL)or at the level at which the harm due to the pests is inflicted to insignificant or minor. ,through the adoption of all available,affordable,acceptable,,feasible and safe methods of pest management in . manner or in Integrated manner  based on regular pest surveillance ,monitoring and Agroecosystem Analysis  with least disturbance to the community health, Environment,ecosystem, biodiversity,nature and society aiming to ensure food security along with food safety, to maintain ecological balance in nature and to make Environment neat,clean and green to sustain life on earth to promote or to ensure economical GDP based Development along with the Environmental, ecological, and sociological development and also to maintain harmony with the nature and society .

3.IPM is not confined only up to the plant protection but it is also beyond
 the plant protection associated with all other  aspects of life.
4.IPM is a skill development programme to make IPM stakeholders and users  competent to use and apply IPM 

.Change of the mindsets of IPM stakeholders.

We had never thought earlier that a day will come when we will purchase Earthworms ,Cowdung etc.
5.IPM is also beyond plant protection
6.IPM can only be learnt in the fields.It is a field based subject.
7.Difference between plant protection and IPM.
8.IPM is a philosophy related with Science,society,nature,Ecology and ecosystem,Economy,policy,national and international issues,or global .Spiritual,and livelihood related issues ,aspects and percepectives.
9.Availibility of infrastructure,man material ,IPM inputs,Machine and tools,methods and money.
10.IPM is a social movement to maintain harmony with nature and society while doing farming .It is is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society wit h sympathy to the nature and society.
11.IPM is based on the principles of ., tolerance and harmony.. of making the farming  profitable and safe to nature and society.
13,IPM is an intention to grow bumper crop,safe crop,healthy crop with least or without disturbance to the community health,ecosystem, biodiversity nature and society.
14.Change of pro chemical pesticidal mindsets of all IPM stakeholders ,Ensuring timely availability of quality IPM inputs at the doorsteps of the farmers,Promoting the use of nonchemical or biopesticidal and other plant and animal based IPM inputs ,using chemical pesticides only as an emergency solution for pest Management on the basis of their assessment through Agroecosystem Analysis and strict pest Surveillance and monitoring,Creating awareness among the farmers and other IPM Stakeholders about ill effects of  chemical pesticides on nature 
 society and availability of beneficial organisms their role in crop production, protection and Management  of natural resources are the major mandatory requirements for the implementation of IPM.
आईपीएम भागीदारों एवं किसानों की खेती में रसायनों के प्रयोग को वरीयता पूर्वक प्रयोग करने वाली सोच को बदलकर, आईपीएम  इनपुट्स की उपलब्धता को किसानों के द्वार पर सुनिश्चित करके, एक विशेष समय अंतराल पर फसलों में पाए जाने वाले हानिकारक एवं लाभदायक जीवो की संख्या का आकलन एवं निगरानी करके ,फसल पारिस्थितिक तंत्र का विश्लेषण करके निकाले गए निष्कर्ष के आधार पर तथा रसायनों के उपयोग को सिर्फ आपातकालीन स्थिति के निपटान हेतु प्रयोग करके और बाकी समय पर रसायन रहित विधियों को बढ़ावा देकर आई पीएम को सुचारू रूप से क्रियान्वित किया जा सकता है l
15.Restoration of damaged ecosystem, damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides. 
16.Vision for the betterment of the future.
17.Farming with intention of reducing the dominancy of the chemical pesticides in Agriculture. 
18.AESA based system of IPM.
19.IPM is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society.
20.Bioecological approach of Pest Management.
21.Studying and implementing the  crop production ,protection and management  system already going on in the field.
22.IPM is the way of making crop production ,crop prtection and crop management  system safe to change  poisonous farming in to safe farming .IPM is the removal and reduction  of those Agricultural practices which are harmful Environment, ecosystems, nature and society.
23.IPM helps to make Agriculture economically viable,ecologically sustainable,profitable,climatically strong,and Environmentally safe .
24.IPM requires a fresh political, beaurecratic, social,thought and vision supportive to Environment, ecosystem, biodiversity, nature, and society to grow safe crops ensuring  safety to Environment ,nature,and society  through ensuring of neccessary infrastructure and ,inputs at doorsteps of the farmers. 
25.A strong political and beaurecratic willpower,and support, correct vision,working attitude in team ,proactiveness ,to get success at any cost or in any way with correct objectives  and achieving  goals  with available resources  ,creating awareness and motivating the stakehodes are the main components of strategies to be included  for implementation of any concept to get desired results and success .These components were adopted by our Hon Prime Minister to combat Covid p byroblem in the country during the year  2020.Same steps and components can also be used  to implement IPM .
     We learnt a lesson from the. strategy  to combat Covid 19 problem during 2020 that if we can combate the Covid problem without medicine then  why we can not implement IPM without availability of IPM inputs. IPM  inputs can only facilitate us to implement IPM. 
  Adopt IPM to produce safe and healthy food which give us healthy and prosperous society and healthy nation contributes to make FIT INDIA MOVEMENT SUCCESSFUL.
  Philosophical aspects of IPM:-
1.IPM is a bioecological approach for which Ecofriendly, nature and society friendly approaches must be applied or promoted. IPM is a concept not method of pest management.
IPM is a bioecological,sociological, economical,physiological,Environmental,and nature friendly approach of Pest Management which includes traditional and modern methods of pest management .
27.Tolerate the crop loss due to pests up to the pest population below Economic threshold level. 
3.The pest population up to ETL is required for the survival of the biocontrol agents found in Agroecosystem and to maintain ecological balance in the particular Agroecosystem. 
4.Make the Agriculture profitable while doing IPM.
5.Improve the financial status of the farmers.Produce quality Agricultural commodities which are safe to eat.
6.Take care of the health of the Soil ,water, farmers and end users while doing IPM.
7.All organism found in Agroecosystem are not pests Mejority of them are beneficial which help to regulate the population of the pests.These beneficial organisms found in Agroecosystem must be conserved in agroecosystem. 
8.Not all the pests must be controlled .Control only those pests which do not provide us time to control them .
9 Pest population must be managed not to be controlled. 
10 IPM approach is a participatory approach in which all the stakeholders must participate to gather.when ever they are required 
11.Plants have their every parts more than their requirements. 
12.The plants have an ability to sustain themselves under certain adverse conditions up to certain extent. 
 13.A crop field have abundance of of beneficial organisms which regulate the pest population.We must conserved thse beneficial organisms in agroecosystem. 
14.Abiotic factors also affects the loss of the crop yields significantly.We must also consider those factors.
15.The plants have apability to compensate the yield  loss due to pests up to certain
In extent.
16.Do not consider any organism as a pest without assessing  their risk potential .
17.Do not consider any pest  organism  as a pest if  the yield loss caused by it is below ETL .
18.Pesticides are more harmful than the pests.
19.No any chemical pesticide is safe .20.Calender based application of chemical pesticides is neither required nor useful for the crop production or crop yield.
21.All the chemical pesticides are poisons.
22.There is no good or bad chemical pesticides.pest are always poisons .They will always behave like poisons.
23.IPM is not against the use of the chemical pesticides but it is against the  misuse of the chemical pesticides. 
24.Love to nature and love to society is the mantra of IPM.
25 .Relating,difining and describing  IPM with different aspects of life, society, sprituality,trade and nature with different scientific, social,ecological ,economical ,Environmental ,plant physiological ,,plant physiological,and national and international parameters with different principles and themes is called the philosophy of IPM .Different aspects of IPM philosophy are given as follows.......

अगर बचा नी है जिंदगानी
तो आगे बढ़ानी होगी आईपीएम की कहानी
और प्रारंभ करनी होगी प्राकृतिक खेती की कहानी
 Welfare $ Empowerment is the working theme of IPM
26. खेती करने की अथवा वनस्पति संरक्षण करने की सभी विधियों को समेकित रूप से इस प्रकार से रूपांतरित करना या प्रयोग करना जिससे प्रकृति, समाज तथा पारिस्थितिक तंत्र ओं को ए रखते हुए कम से कम खर्चे में फसल पर्यावरण में पाए जाने वाले सभी हानिकारक जीवो की संख्या को आर्थिक हानि स्तर के नीचे सीमित रखते हुए खाने योग्य सुरक्षित भोजन तथा व्यापार हेतु गुणवत्ता युक्त कृषि उत्पादों का उत्पादन हो सके, आईपीएम कहलाता है l
27. आर्थिक विकास के साथ-साथ पर्यावरण, प्राकृतिक और सामाजिक विकास आई पीएम का एक प्रमुख उद्देश्य है l
28. Welfare of all in Universe. ब्रह्मांड में सभी का कल्याण आईपीएम की प्रमुख थीम है l वेलफेयर एंड एंपावरमेंट ऑफ आईपीएम स्टेकहोल्डर्स इस द वर्किंग थीम ऑफ आईपीएल 
29. आई पीएम फसल उत्पादन ,फसल रक्षा एवं फसल प्रबंधन पद्धति हेतु एक संपूर्ण पैकेज है जिसमें पर्यावरण पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र प्रकृति व समाज की सुरक्षा के साथ-सथ  फसल के हानिकारक जीव की संख्या फसल पर्यावरण में आर्थिक हlनी स्तर के नीचे सीमित रखते हुए वनस्पति सर्वेक्षण किया जाता है l
30.Different IPM stakeholders have understood the IPM in different ways and perspectives leaving  behind the actual objectives of IPM.
 To grow healthy,safe and bumper crop with minimum expenditure and least disturbance to the community health, Environment,ecosystem biodiversity nature and society  while doing plant protection are also the objectives of IPM.
31. सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य, पर्यावरण, पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र , जैव विविधता, प्रकृति व समाज को कम से कम बाधित करते हुए कम से कम खर्चे में नाशि जीवो की समस्याओं से छुटकारा प्राप्त करना आईपीएम कहलाता है l
32.Integrated :--Lets integrate the mindsets of  different stakeholders of  IPM ,practices of different concepts of farming systems,different methodologies of plant protection ,different themes and thoughts related with different farming  systems and plant protection,chemical methods along with biological control ,Scientific and social aspects related with plant protection,Various types of emergencies  ,role of various lPM stakeholders role of various natural resources associated with plant protection traditional methods along with scientific methods,and experiences of different IPM stakeholders. 
Pests :---Any organism which is economically harmful to man is called as pest but in my openion none the organism of the universe is pest .If any organism behaves like the pest it behaves due to provocative conditions created by man in their  habitate.
Management:----It is the way of doing work to get the desired results.While doing IPM we manage the pest population below ETL,along with total crop health,natural balance in Agroecosystem, populations of pest s and defenders,food security along with food safety,pest emergencies,biotic and abiotic stresses,challenges of climate and Global warming problems  of society related within.....

आंखों की रोशनी से कुछ हो नहीं सकता
जब तक की जमीर की लौ बुलंद ना हो
   Self commitment,self willingness,self participation ,self motivational and self visit in the field (or farmer's shadow in the field is the best fertilizer for the crop )is essentially required to achieve an objective.
IPM is my professional Soul.
Only heart felt realisation of ill effects of  chemicals,natural disasters on ,damage of Agroecosystem,biodiversity on life , nature and society will tend us or force us and farmers to adopt IPM.
Practicing IPM philosophy in proper way ensuring required IPM and Natural Farming inputs with self commitmemt,dedication,willingness and self participation by the farmers,scintists and extension workers can provide them experience and confidence wchich tend them to adopt IPM in proper way to achieve desired results.
हमने अपनी सेवाकाल के  दौरान कृषकों एवं कृषि प्रसार एवं प्रचार कार्यकर्ताओं को ",ग्रो सेफ फूड," का पाठ पढ़या उनसे खेतों में आईपीएम फार्मर्स फील्ड स्कूल का संचालन करवाया जिसमें आईपीएम  का क्रियान्वयन करवाया जिससे पर्यावरण को प्रदूषण मुक्त कराया तथा समाज को खानेके लिए सुरक्षित खाद्य पदार्थों का उत्पादन तथा व्यापार हेतु गुणवत्ता युक्त कृषि उत्पादों का उत्पादन के साथ-साथ खाद्य सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित हुई। इसके अतिरिक्त हमने समाज को रासायनिककीटनाशकों एवं उर्वरकों के दुष्परिणामों के पति जागरुक एवं सचेत किया जिससे खेती मै रासायनिक कीटनाशकोंका उपयोग कम हुआ।
गन्ने के Pyrlla के जैविक नियंत्रण हेतु इसका परजीवी एपोरिकेनिया melanoleuca को भारत के विभिन्न गन्ना उत्पादक प्रदेशों में हमारे दवारा स्थापितकरने की वजह  से पत्येक वर्ष पायरोला किट का नयंत्रण होता रहता है जिससेPyrilla के नियंत्रण हेतु गन्ने की फसल पर किए जाने वाला हवाई छिड़काव नहींहोता है जिसकी वजह से प्रतिवर्ष सरकार के लाखों रुपयो की बचत होती है । सेवा कल के दौरान विभिन्नफसलों में विभिन्न नशीजीवों की महामारियों का नियंत्रण, उनकेलिए निगरानी एवं आकलनकार्यक्रम क्रियान्वितकरके राज्य सरकारों को समय-समय पर सलाहकारी दी जिससे सही समय पर उचित रणनीति अपनाकर उन नशीजीवों को नियंत्रित कियागया तथा उनका प्रबंधनकिया गया। आईपीएम कार्यक्रम के क्रियान्वयन से देशमें रासायनिककीटनाशको द्वारा पर्यावरण प्रदूषण से बचाव हुआ तथा सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी हुआ। इसके अतिरिक्त जैवविविधता तथा फसल पारिस्थितिकतंत्र सक्रिय रहे तथा प्रकृति और समाजके बीच सामंजस्यस्थापित हुआ।
Pesticides are used only  as an emergency not as dependency.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Farmers problems

Farmers are facing different types of problems related with society,nature, environment, Govt plolicies and political,Ecological,Economical,livelihood,global warming and climatic change etc.
Food security along with food safety,trade related problems,health problems,income security,unemployment and nonavaibility of jobs,scarcity of water,land depletion,population problem,poverty, infrastructural problems, malnutrition,loaning and credit related problems,education and inflation of rates of agricultural inputs and other essential commodities, are some of the major socioeconomic problems being faced by the farmers while doing farming.
   Destruction and depletion of JAL Jamin,Jangle,destruction and extinction of several plants and animal species,ecological problems,natural disasters,climate change ,problems related with global warming, are some of the natural ,Environmental and ecological problems, being faced by the farmers.
There are. Several problems related with marketing,cost,and related with infrastructure and govt policies.
  Let's consider  to solve these problems while implementing IPM to sustain life,maintain natural and ecological balance,to maintain green revolution as green or safe,and harmony with the nature and society and also to upgrade the livelihood of the farmers and also to keep environment,neat clean and sustain life on earth.

Farmers problems

Farmers are facing different types of problems related with society,nature, environment,plolicies and political,Ecological,Economical,livelihood,trade,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management is a  way of farming without harming to the nature and society and is a kind of skill Development programme to make all IPM stakeholders competent to produce healthy,safe,bumper crops to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure, minimum use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers by suppressing the pest population below Economic threshold level through adoption of all available ,affordable,acceptable,and feasible pest management practices ,methods ,tools and techniques in to compatible and in integrated manners aiming least disturbance to community health, Environment, Ecosystems,biodiversity , nature and society and also to ensure food security along with food safety  to keep Environment clean,Green and suitable to sustain life on the earth through the management  and conservation of pests and conservation of pests and their their biocontrol agents found existing in Agroecosystems.
  IPM is a way of plant protection with due care of community health, Environment,ecosystem and biodiversity etc.
   IPM is not a method of pest management but it is the concept of the pest management which a variable process and changed as per the requirements .00
     Crop management through systematic approaches is the modern and new concept of crop and pest management .
     Integrated pest management is   The way of relating and considering the plant protection with social ,natural, ecological, economical ,political ,environmental ,natural National and international or global spiritual and livelihood perspective or aspects to sustain life on earth ,to maintain,ecological balance in nature ,to maintain Green  RevolutionGreen(safe) and to maintain harmony with nature and society .IPM practices do not operate in isolation but they work in compatible manners.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Let's save Environment

1.Lets save ,protect and preserve water,Earth,forest or jungles,and other natural resources .
2.Lets curtail  the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in
3.conserve beneficial flora and fauna found in agroecosystem.
4.Avoid single use plastic.
5.Grow safe crops
6.Convert poisonous farming in to  safe farming.
7.Limit the Corbon Emmission through vehicles ,aeroplanes,industries,
8.Lets grow plants and avoid deforestation.
9.Lets not contaminate water,air ,soil.
10 Maintain harmony with the nature.
11.Lets not misuse the natural resources.
12.Avoid industrial pollution.
13.Serciced the vehicles  periodically.
15.Promote bicycle culture.
16 Do not burn crop residue in the fields .
17.Do not burst crackers on festivals.
18.Do not burn garbage in open place.odn dumping sites.
19.Do not throw  garbage in water bodies.
20.Lets  adopt reuse,recycle and reproduce system wherever possible.
21.Lets not make Development catestrophic in nature.
22.plants the trees .
23.Conserve and save water.
24.Adopt IPM,Organic farming ,natural farming.
25.Lets no harm the nature and Environment.  26 Let's do Development as per the need of the ecosystems, Environment, and society.

Slogans related with conservation of Environment.

1.Adopt IPM for better Environment.
2.Adopt IPM to protect nature.
3.Adopt IPM to sustain life  on earth
4.Adopt IPM to conserve Environment and nature
5.IPM facilitate us in our way of living with harmony with the  nature and society.
6.IPM is the way of farming without harming.
7.Adopt IPM to maintain harmony with the nature and society.
8.Sa ve Environment to save life
9.IPM tell us the way of living with harmony with the nature, Environment and society.
10.Adopt IPM to restore damaged ecosystem11.Adopt IPMto avoid poisonous farming. Adopt IPMto grow safe food .
11.Lets go away from poisonous farming.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Human beings are the top of the creatures

Human beings are considered as top of the creatures both socially and scientifically and also spiritually as God has given us a power of sense of discrimination decide which act is good and which is bad for others including society,nature,and Environment.
We are using this power for our own benefits but not for others including society ,nature and Environment.
Let's become a good humanbeing and do not harm the  others through our activities to sustain nature and life on the earth.
Let's save earth to avoid  to become  unearth (Vinashkari).Let's adopt IPM for better Environment and better future.
Lets be sympathetic to  all living and non living things of the nature to sustain life on the earth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Combating the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment,and society.

To curtail the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, change of propesticidal mindsets of IPM stakeholders,maintaining harmony with the nature and society, restoring the damaged agroecosystems due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers in  Agriculture, growing of safe food to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade are major principles ,objectives and activities to combat the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment, nature and society.Similarly,no first use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture, no trash burning of crops in the fields itself,judicious use of natural resources,adopting ecofriendly technologies of plant protection, are the main technological requirement for combating the adverse effects of Agricultural practices on Environment  ecosystem, nature and society.

Adverse effects of certain agripractices on Environment and ecosystems

There are many Agricultural practices which leads adverse effects or I'll effects on Environment, ecosystem  and society .Some of the such burning problems,issues and practices are given here as under...
1.Burning of crop residue in certain north indian states like Haryana ,Punjab and NCR region leading the problem of air pollution.
2.Regular crop rotation of wheat and rice crops have created the problem of ground water  in states like Haryana and punjab.In general  there is a scarcity of ground water in 21 states of India.Some of the states are also facing the problem of drought continuously since so many years.
3.Indiscrinate use of chemical pesticides giving the the problems related with health hazards,Environment  and ecosystem. Indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers are giving the problems of soil,water and air pollution and damage of ecosystem and biodiversity as many beneficial organisms  like earthworms,millipedes,frogs,fire worms,velvet mites and many pollinating and biocontrol agents  have gone up to the verge extinction. We had never thought that a day will come when we will purchase even Earthworms and essential  things like water and air.
4.soil has become alkaline in nature in certain states due to regular use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers .Soil texture has also been changed in many areas due indiscriminate  use of chemicals in Agriculture.
5.loss of  fertility of soil in certain areas have also been  reported in certain places

6.Due to use of chemicals in Agriculture many microorganisms are died in the agroecosystem  found below ground level.
7.Irrigating the crops with industrial water,sewage water also causing several health problems.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Crop management as a new concept in place of IPM.

Crop Management through systematic approach  has  emerged as a new concept in place of IPM.But this concept is also not fulfilling the main objectives  of IPM as it is not dipicting the objectives of IPM related with nature, society,community health,Environment, ecosystems etc.
Each and every farmer is doing IPM by way of managing their crops with their own ways and means. He is not caring the nature,Environment,ecosystems ,community health,biodiversity etc.IPM is a kind of plant protection with due care of these aspects or things which are relted with nature and society.
IPM is a way managing the pests or crop with the management of Environment, ecosystem,biodiversity, society,health economics of crop productin and nature and its resources  etc.
To curtail the use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers, change the  pro pesticidal mindsets of all stakeholders of IPM,maintaining hofmony with nature and society by  way of maintaining sympathy to all living organisms found in agroecosystem,and also to restore the damaged ecosystem damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides in crops Nd to grow safe food to eat and quality agricultural commodities to trade are the major objectives and expectations from IPM.
Similarly no first use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture,no trash burning of crop residue in the fields ,judicious use of natural resources,adopting ecofriendly technology of plant protection and production by way of making the behavioral  change among all IPM stakeholders by way of creating awareness about I'll effects of chemical pesticides on community health, agroecosystem and on nature and its resources  are the main technoligical requirements for the implementation of IPM.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Agricultural activities having adverse effects on Environment

There are many Agricultural activities which are having adverse effect on Environment. We must apply these activities with the manner to minimize their adverse effects on Environment  .Few such activities are as under .......
1.Burning of crop residues by the farmers of Haryana,Punjab,UP state s has emerged in big way as a major issue causing air pollution around NCR region.We must avoid this practice by way of adopting Suitable crop rotation wherever feasible.Lets promote growing of the pulse crops,Maize,Bajra  crop etc .Govt must also take up this issue and fix up the MS P for thse crops also to save the farmers income. Let's sale these crop residues  of rice crops to paper mills ,convert them to manure and fertilizers etc to maintain the fertility of land or soil etc.
2.Application of the chemical pesticides on crops also give the adverse effect on community health as the agricultural products or commodities being grown through the indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides contain residues of the chemical pesticides  which are harmful to the health of human beings and animals. Such  activities are also damaging  the agroecosystem as many organisms have now going to become at the verge of extinction.
3.Irrigating the crops with sewergewater or industrial water is also causing various health problems..
...4.Lets use plant protection in ecofriendly  manner.
5.Shortage of ground water due growing of excess water living crops and also due to misuse of water have been observed in 21 states of the country.Lets use water judiciously.
6 water conservation is the need of hour.Lets conserve water and follow the principle of per drop more crops. 7.Due to indiscriminate use of chemicals in form of pesticides and fertilizers  in few places the soil has been converted in to alkaline in nature. Let's avoid the indiscriminate  use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

IPM beyond plant protection

IPM is a beyond plant protection activity.Lets not confined it up to plant protection only.It is the way of plant protection which is done for the other  benefits bsides plant protection  including care of the  nature ,Environment and society.IPM is a philosophy of plant protection with an objective to sustain life on earth without harming the others.We  are considering the IPM as an ecofriendly way of plant protection. Let's think  are we really doing plant protection in ecofriendly manner?. If we are not doing plant protection with ecofriendly manner then it is not  IPM.IPM is done for the benefit of community as well as individual besides the Environment , ecosystem and nature.IPM is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society.IPM is a way using plant protection safely to the nature,society,environment,and ecosystems and community  health etc.IPM is the intellectual   way  of protection for the benefits of plant  nature and society. IPM is the subject which starts after the plant protection considering  the plant protection.It also deals with the economical  aspects of the society and farming and physiological aspects of the crop management aspects. IPM is Committed to grow healthy and safe  crop and quality agricultural commodities to trade ,safe environment,safe drinking water,safe air to breathe and congenial Environment to sustain life on the earth.  The monitoring parameters of IPM are not only  related with crop production and protection efforts but are also related with community  health, ecosystem  ,Environment, nature and ,society,.IPM is done for the benefit of Environment, ecosystem ,nature and society .I PM is done with due care of community  health,Environment, ecosystem, biodiversity,society and nature etc. Thus in this way IPM  differs  from the  plant protection.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Every things around us affecting our life all together known as Environment. The Environment helps us to sustain our life on earth.Safe and congenial Environment Will facilitate us for our comfortable living.Lets not  pollute our environment for our comfortable stay in the particular ecosystem.Life is sustained through the operation of the particular ecosystem of Environment. Let's do Agriculture together with the conservation of Environment is the need of the hour. Let's not  forget that National IPM programme was commenced with the slogan" IPM for better Environment". Let's implement IPM together with the conservation of Environment. Pest Management  together with conservation of Environment is the main objective of IPM.Pest Management along with conservation of  Environment  is called as IPM.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Reasons for air pollution.

We get air pollution due to......
1.Heavy load of transport.
2.Indiscriminate trash burnings of crops.
3. Burning of Air fuel in the sky near airports   during  the takeoff and landing of aircrafts .
4 Burning of the crackers in the festivals .

5.Indiscriminate application or spraying of the chemical pesticides in  the crop fields.
6.Running of the diesel gen sets .
7.Burning of garbage .

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why do we get Environmental problems

We get Environmental problems because
1.We do the things or activities without caring for tomorrow. We do not think for tomorrow. Let's think the consequences of our activities in due course of time.
2.we do not care for others.we do our activities only for our own benefits.
3.we do not use our power of sense of discrimination i.e.knowing which activity is good and which is bad, not only for us but for others also.This power is given by God to human being only.Because of this power only human beings are placed on the top of the all creatures.
4.we expect more comfort or more benefits which is also giving us more problems according to the principle of every action have the reaction.This is the universal law of the nature.The Environmental problems are the reactions or results of our own actions.
5.Sustainabity of our life is depend upon the nature,society,ecosystems etc which are not cared by us.properly.
7.We are doing catestrophic development .
8.Global warming and other Environmental pollutions are the results of our own activities.
9 we are harming the nature from our activities.
10.we are not doing ecofriendly ,and society friendly development.
11.We are doing activities for our own benefits, not for the benefits of the others.i.e.nature,ecosystem and society.IPM is the way of plant protection which is done for the benefits of others i e.nature and its resources, community health, ecosystem, Environment, habitats and food of the organisms .

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Activities performed after retirement from Govt Service..

I retired on 31.01.2016.After my retirement  I also continued to popularise Integrated Pest Management (IPM) among the farming community   society and performed the following types of activities.
1.Interviews  on Green TV on different aspects of IPM.
2.Making videos on different aspects of IPM particularly related with nature, society ,ecosystem, Environment, health ,sanitation etc with a view to popularize IPM and to create awareness about I'll effects of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture with objectives to empower the farmers and other stakeholders of IPM to grow bumper, safe and healthy crops to eat   and quality  Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure, minimum use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers and with minimum and least disturbance to community health, Environment, ecosystem, nature and society. These videos  are placed on Utube   ,Face book,what's app ,Linked in etc to disseminate the IPM informations and IPM message among society.
3.Maintained a blog named "IPM Sutra" to popularize  IPM .
4.Participated in different IPM trainings organized by different Govt and non Govt Organizations.
5.Attended different farmers meetings,Krishi Melas,organized by different organizations.
6.Made social awareness about I'll effects of chemical pesticides on community health and environment with a view to conserve nature,and Environment their resources.
7.Popularize  different Govt programmes like,Fit India Programme,Swaksha Bharat programme,Save water programme, per drop more crop,organic farming,No to single use plastic programme,Grow safe food  ,,Integrated Farming,Organic Farming. Swaksh India and Swastha India.
8. Described the philosophy of IPM in detail.
9. True Thoughts of IPM Baba.(myself).

10.Activities related with to reduce water,soil,and air pollutions.Converting wastes into bests.
11. Published one paper on.....
12.Use of social media to popularize IPM.
13.popularized Grow safe food Campaign.
14.How IPM differ from Pant Protection?

15.........              RAM ASRE

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Types of activities performed

1,Creation of awareness among public or IPM stakeholders  about ill effects of chemical pesticides .
2Adopt IPM to grow safe food was popularised among public.
3.IPM for better Environment.
4.Organic farming.
5.Empowerment of IPM stakeholders to implement IPM ,to grow safe food,through IPM training and demonstrations such as IPM FARMERS Field schools,season long training training programmes,
popularaisd .
6.Production of IPM inputs to ensure their  supply  to the doorsteps of the farmers farmes
7.To ensure quality control of the IPM INPUTS.

8.Pest Surveillance and Agroecosystem Analysis.

9.Skill development programmes .



Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Five elements which make the life

According to the Hindu mythology the life is made up of five main elements called Earth or soil, water, Agni or fire ,Sky or solar system ,and air or Oxygen which is also called as life gas or pran Vayu .But the thing is that all these five elements have now  become polluted due to human interference or activities. Earth is a natural media to grow food for us ,our body is having nearly 70 percent water.Fire represents the temperature which is responsible to perform  the metabolic activities of our boy   to sustain our life ,fire also represents the carbon i.e. organic chemistry responsible to make our body with the help of different organic  compounds like Amino acids, fats etc.Sky represents the solar system, which is helps the plants to prepare their food which  is essential to  sustain  our life. Air represents Oxygen which is also very essential to sustain our life. With out there will be no life on the earth.All these elements are inter related with each others and sustains the life on earth.Lets not pollute them through our activities or actions.Lets conserve these elements to conserve  nature.

Let's reduce soil pollution.

Presence of toxic substances or chemicals in the soil in enough quantity to pose risk to humanbeing and other organisms associated with the soil ecosystem  is called as soil pollution. Soil  also is being called as mother of  farmers or all of us and  we have no right to damage the soil.we should not add chemicals either in forms of fertilizers or pesticides in excess quantity or indiscriminately and should make it poisonous. It is a kind of natural media or resource required to produce the crop or food . Hence soil pollution  is also posing risk to the humanbeing or other animals.
      Let's make the following efforts to reduce or avoid soil pollution.
1. Do not use  chemical fertilizers or pesticides indiscriminately.Use them only after testing  of the  soil of particular field  and use them as per the recommendation suggested in the soil health card.
2. Do not use polluted or salty water for irrigation purpose  in agriculture.3.Lets  not use the industrial water for irrigation purposes in agriculture.
4.Adopt IPM to avoid excess use of chemicals in agriculture.
5.Soil pollution can also lead air and water pollution.
6.Lets promote biopesticides and biofertilizers in place of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers to avoid soil pollution.
7.Use decomposable materials in our daily use.
8.Lets stop single use plastic in our daily life activities.
9.Implement organic compost system in our work place.
10.polluted Soil can also pollute the air and water.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Let's reduce the water pollution

Let's make the following  efforts to reduce the water pollution.
1.lets not allow to mix the garwage,industrial wastes, medical wastes,kitchen wastes, polythenes etc to different water bodies like ponds,rivers,canals,sea etc to avoid water pollution.
2.Do not allow to mix or drainout water from the crop fields which are already treated with chemical pesticides.
3.Do not allow to submerge the dead bodies , idols of religious  Gods and Godess,Hawan Samagries,polythene materials etc to the water bodies like rivers,ponds,lakes ,sea etc to avoid water pollution.
5.Adopt IPM to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers  in Agiculture to avoid the chances of mixing thse chemicals in water bodies .
5 Donot take watch with soap and detergents  in different water bodies.
7.Do not do toilets near the water bodies .
8. Do not allow the cattles to get bath in side water bodies.

Let's reduce air pollution

As a good citizen of our country it is our duty to reduce air pollution for the use of community and to make Environment congenial and better suited to live for all organisms .Let's make  the following  efforts to avoid sir pollution  for the benefit  of others.
   1.Do not burn the crop residues in the field after crop harvest .Let's decompose  them in the field it selves.
  2.Lets promote bicycle culture again .
  3.Lets not burn crackes.
   4.Use chemical pesticides only as an emergency device  in Agriculture.       
    5.Do not use  diesel when sets  frequently.
   6.Do not burn garbage openly.
  7.Use public vehicle while going alone.
  8.Do not smoke in public place.
  9.Create awareness among others.
  10 Where ever possible use bio fuel in vehicle.
  12.Use and promote e vehile or baayery operated vehicles instead of petrol or diesel  vehicles.
  13.Do not burn burn garbage in dumping sites.Lets decompose it.
  14.Get serviced your vehicle  in time properly.

15.Do not run too old vehicles.


Monday, October 14, 2019

Role of Social Media to promote and popularize IPM.

SOCIAL MEDIA IS A WAY OF INTERACTION AND COMMUNICATION WITH AN INDIVIDUAL OR IN MASS THROUGH COMPUTER BASED TECHNOLOGY THAT FACILITATE THE SHARING OF INFORMATIONS,IDEAS AND OTHER TYPES OF EXPRESSIONS THROUGH NETWORKING IN FORMS OF TEXT,IMAGES,VEDIOES ,DIRECT CHAT,BOOK MAKING AND ON LINE GAMES ETC.Social media platforms have now emerged as a vital tool to exchange,dessiminate  ,and share the informations among public,and other govt and non govt organizations. Social media platforms such as Face book,Whatsap, Twitter,snapshots, Instagram and linked in are now being used widely to exchange the informations and also to popularize the progress of different schemes and programmes of various departments and organizations  among public. Social media is  also playing an important role to popularize Integrated pest management(IPM) programme of Govt of India and various state govts .It help to Exchange the informations, creating various  types of awareness  among different IPM stakeholders including farmers,in action ,demonstrations of the different IPM activities and also live activity of different pests and their biocontrol agents found indifferent agoecosystrms,and  to issue different types of advisories. Different whatsap groups have been made  to share different types of infrastructures and informations among themselves and also among other sections of the society. Several farmers have also become the members or friends on face book  which has facilitated to know the pest and disease status, weather conditions and status of beneficials found in different agroecosystems which ultimately helps to do Agroecosystem Analysis to promote accurate decision  making.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Our culture is Agriculture .Agriculture is  our future. It is a power of Agriculture. Our country is a Agriculture  land .Sixty percent people of our country belongs to Agriculture background.Our country's social and economic benefits come from Agriculture. Any technology should come out with taking care of  a Agriculture .Once in life time you need to meet a doctor, or a lawyer but everyday you need a farmer.we are surviving on the mercy of a farmer who provide us food required  for sustaining of our life on the earth.That is why we call a farmer our Anna Deota.
   Agriculture is an art of  cultivating soil,growing crops fruits,vegetables flowers,and rearing of livestock.
Agriculture and farming are synanymous so long farming was not comercilized,.After comercilization certain allied occupations also came in use.
In practical application point of view 
Agriculture is an integrated technology or approach in which varios  types of  package of practices are used in Integrated manners to grow crops ,rear animals ,and  to promote certain allied activities associated  with thse activities  for commercial purpose.
  Indian Agriculture  is date back started from Indus valley civilization or even before in some places of south India. Agriculture helps us in providing all three basic requirements of humanbeing or us that is flooding, clothing and housing besides other luxurious things.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Nine life saving Goddess (jeevan dayni nau Devian)

Jal,jamin,jungle,air,nature, food,Environment, solar energy (solar system), carbon are the nine life saving Goddess.
Let's save,conserve and worship them to sustain life on earth.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


Integrated pest management is a total crop management sysyem with systematic approach with a view to keep in mind the safety of  community health, Environment, biodiversity, ecosystem,nature and society.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Major Environmental problems

.1. Green house Effect
2.clmate change.
3.Global warming
4.Scarcity of water
5.Heavy seasonal and unseasonal rains 
6 Severe and prolonged droughts.
7.Unseasonal and heavy floods .
8.Air pollution due to trash burning  .9.Melting of glacials.
10 Drying of rivers .
11.Damage of ecosystems and biodiversity.
12. Problems due to use of plastic .
13.Fires in forests.
14.Soil degradation
15.Emerging pest problems .
16.Unseasonal  heavy snowfall .

Conservation of Environment

All the natural and man made things which surrounds us and which are  interdependent on each other's functionally and also having impact on each other's and man and also to contribute  to sustain life on earth though their existence on earth are collectively known as Environment.
   Saving  the Environment from being destroyed  through human and natural interventions is called as conservation of Environment.
    Let's contribute to conserve the Environment for the benefit of the society and nature.
  Conservation of Environment is needed to make and continue  the life operational in the world. The life is operated in the wold through a self sustained system called as ecosystem which is made through inter actions of all the biotic and abiotic factors found in a particular area .

Thursday, October 3, 2019

3. To Conserve Environment

1.Protect or save jal,  jamin and  jungle.
2.Lets keep Clean,and Green your surroundings
3.Say no more to   single use plastic.
4.Lets not pollute  air,water,soil,
.5 .Let's not waste food.
6.Grow safe food .
7.Convert wastes in bests through reduce,recycle and reuse.
8. Maintain Hormony with nature  and society .
9.Do not harm the nature. Be sympathetic to the nature and its resources .
10.Plant and maintain trees.
11.Do not pollute soil( earth),water,air,carbon and solar system,which are creater of life.
12.keep the human pollution under check.
13.Use natura resources judiciously.
14.Be vigilante for climate changes and be ever ready to fight with the situation.Conduct research for this purpose if needed.
15.Conserve nature and its resources. Use them judiciously.
16.Reduce the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture.
17.No first use of chemical pesticides in Agriculture.
18.Lets start global movement to combat the problem of the problems related with climate change.
19.Lets stop or reduce the emission of carbon
20 Let's promote  and participate in Fit India,clean India ,Green India,IPM, Integrated Farming,Organic farming,climate smart Agriculture and precision  Farming to facilitate in conservation of Environment.
21.Lets Preserve,protect and promote the natural resources to conserve Environment.
22.Lets conserve Jal Jamin jungle,river ponds and sea,plants, animals food and nature to conserve the Environment.
23.Lets conserve and not to  pollute life farming element.
24 Promte ecofriendly technologies in all aspects of life
25.Conserve ,protect ,preserve and promote wild animals and plants .
26.Not to burn crop residue on the fields to avoid air pollution.
27.Lets revive the damaged ecosystems

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Govt programmes related with conservation of Environment

Environment is very vast subject which is related with each and every thing of the nature and society.Each and every department can contribute in various ways to conserve Environment. Govt of India is implementing the following types of programmes to conserve  Environment.
1.water  conservation-Perdrop more crop,water harvesting System,cleaning of rivers,severage water  treatment ,water treatment in industries, constructions of field and village ponds,water harvesting in fields .drip and micro irrigation  etc are the major water conservation,water mission, programmes of Govt of India ,Sujalam,Sufalam jal sanchayan Anhiyan of Gujarat  state  are being implemented in various states of India.
2..Air pollution -promotion of CNG VEHICLES,electric e mobility and battery operated vehicles,Tree plantation,Aforestation,Oad and even  in Delhi and NCR region,  Stopping of burning  crop residues in the fields, Running of Oad Even number of transport vehicles in alternate days in Delhi  etc.A seven points action  programme was made to combate the air pollution in NCR area.

3.Soil pollution- Issuence of soil health cards ,soil testing labs ,soil conservation,soil degradation ,soil desertification,  reduction of use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture. etc.
4.Agriculture related programmes.-
     Integrated farming,integrated pest manage ment ,grow safe food programme,Organic farming,Climate Smart Agriculture,  Tree plantation,Van mahotsav,Bamboo mission,converting wastes into  bests ,promoting biopesticides and bio  fertilizers,climate smart farming,precision farming,panchvati programme being implemented by UP Govt.,
5.Solid wastes  management-No more single use of plastic,Medical wastes management.
6,wild life conservation-wild life protection Act,
7.Food and Nutrition- Sahiposhan Desh roshan.
8 Health-SwachChh Bharat-Swasth Bharat.Clean India Green India ,
9 Eco tourism
10.Mining - Avoid indiscriminate mining.
11.Fit India  mission.
12.Open Defication Free (ODF)   programme-India was declared Open Defication Free country by Hon Prime Minister  shri Narender Bhai Modi ji on 150 th birth day of Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi ji on 2nd October 2019. It is the biggest Social revolution brought by our Prime Minister.11 croes toilets were constructed in the country bet when 2014 and 2019.These toilets were also give new names I. e .Ijjat Ghar.
13.Toilet reached in every house.
Mission Nirmal Bangla.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

3. Principles related with conservation of Environment

1. Self  realization,self awareness  and self understanding about the need of Environment.
2 .Environment conservation is our own responsibility. The Govt and other  agencies can only facilitate us to conserve the Environment.
3.Self motivation and self involvement is also needed to conserve the Environment.
4.Be sympathetic to ourselves,community health,ecosystems, society and nature .
5 .Do not misuse the nature and its resources.
6.conservation of Environment is our own duty .Govt can only facilitate us.
7.Sab ka sath Sab ka  vikash San ka vishwash
8.Jan bhagidari se Jan kalyan ,jag kalyan se jag kalyan
9 .Do not make Development catestrophic in nature.
10 .zero defect zero effect.
11.clean India green India .
12.Mo more single use plastic.

13.Swachh Bharat Swastha Bharat.
14.Adopt IPM for better Environment.
15.Ecofriendly   Technology.
16 .Needs behavioral changes among people about conservation of Environment. These behavioral changes must become customs.
17.Reduce ,recycle reuse.
18.Ckean up your surroundings ,
19.Educate and aware
20 .plant a tree.

Monday, September 30, 2019

2.Conservation of Environment- who is responsible for Environmental problems

We ourselves are responsible to  to create Environmental   and ecological problems as we are doing our activities without caring the Environment, nature and ecosystem and our these activities are  affecting the environment  adversely.  Due to which we are facing different problems related with Environment, health and ecosystem. Thus we are doing Development on the cost of the nature and its resources ie.environment ,ecosystem, community health and society. Thus theDevelopment  becomes catestrophic in  nature. For the conservation of Environment the methods used for this  should not be catestrophic  or harmful to society and nature. Each and every resource of the nature is depend on each other's for the sooth fuctioning of the word through ecosystem .Any loss or harm to these resources  will cause damage to the ecosystem or Environment. Let's not harm the nature and its resources to conserve the Environment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Conservation of Environment - 1.what is conservation of Environment

Every thing that surrounds and affect an organism during its life time is collectively known as its Environment. It comprises biotic and abiotic  components. These are called as natural Environmental factors  .Besides these there are certain factors which are also associated with  the Environment and  these are called as sociological and political activities .These activities also have significance role for sustaining life in a particular area or ecosystem. Environment is a sum of the various types of ecosystems found in a particular area .The world is functioning through interactions of various ecosystems.To protect ,preserve,and promote the biotic and abiotic factors of all the ecosystems  together found in a particular area which constitutes the Environment in a particular area is called as the conservation of environment.All the things made by the nature called natural resources contributes to sustain life on the earth.Human beings which are considered as top of the creatures  exploit  the natural  resources to maintain their existence in the word on the cost of the other natural resources  harm these natural resources by way of misusing them .No any organisms is misusing the natural resources except man .We are wasting and misusing the water ,food,and other natural resources .
       To make ,  maintain and keep different ecosystems of a particular area operative to sustain life in that area is called as conservation of Environment. Removal of those interventions from nature which  harm the natural resources and biotic and abiotic factors of a particular area called conservation of Environment as these factors constitute the environment and ecosystems of a particular area. To protect,preserve and promote the biotic and abiotic factors of the ecosystems of a particular area to sustain life in that area is called as conservation of Environment.
   The practices or activities or interventions of human beings to save the environment from collapsing such as loss of species,ecosystems due to pollutions  and human activities is called as conservation of Environment.
  Saving Environment from being destroyed is called as conservation of Environment.
Man is the only animal who damage and destroy the Environment and ecosystem and he is also only the animal who can save ,protect,and conserve the Environment and ecosystem .Man is the only animal who is having the sense of discrimination ie.the ability to decide what is right or what is wrong but he is not using this ability while doing various types of activities to sustain its life in this planet.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Be Sympathetic to nature and society to sustain life on earth.

Life is operated,sustained,and maintained by the nature through its various ecosystems .Let's not harm the nature and its resources to sustain life on earth.Lets be sympathetic to ourselves i.e. society,and nature.Nature can fulfill our needs but it can not fulfill our greeds. Your sympathy to nature and society will make our environment, and ecosystem  clean,green and congenial to maintain or sustain life on earth.
   No more single use of plastic,No first use of the chemicals in Agriculture,  No burning of crop residues, adoption of IPM,Organic farming ,Integrated farming ,zero budet or natural farming ,,precision farming and climate smart Agriculture, are some of the technologies which can help us to grow safe and healthy food without harming the nature,Environment and society. Let's adopt IPM to promote  FIT INDIA MOVEMENT OF GOVT OF INDIA .
Clean India,green India  will make healthy  and Fit India and hit India. Let's not make Development catestrophic  in nature.
, Healthy food ,healthy Environment, healthy way of living,regular exercise, conservation of natural resources and ecosystem,are the mantras for popularizing  Fit India movement of Govt of India.
Zero defect and zero effect is the model of Development.
  There is a need to avoid indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides in Agriculture to conserve the beneficial fauna found in the agroecosystem.  Pl be sympathetic to all organisms found in agroecosystem whether they are pests or beneficials to maintain natural ecological balance in the agroecosystem.
   Use natural resources judiciously.Do not misuse the natura resources. We are going to face accute  shortage of water in near future. Ltts save and conserve water .Use water judiciously. 86% of water is used in water in rural areas whereas only 7% water is being used in urban areas and 6to 7% water is being used in industries.Farmers are 86% water who are mainly depend upon monsoon water.
Man is the only animal that utilizes the natural resources like food and water more than its requirements i .e. he is wasting the natural resources  .No other animal is wasting the natural resources .Let's not waste the natural resources.Lets try to maintain the existence of the nature and its resources to maintain our own existence in this world because our existence on the earth is only  because of the existence of the nature and its resources.Our own activities harms the nature and its resources .Lets not do any anti nature  activity.Lets help each other and help the nature.
     Global warming and climate change are the impact of the human interventions to the nature  which are mainly due to emission of the  carbon in the Environment  due to our activities being undertaken by us to maintain our existence  in the world .Global warming and climate change are threatening our existence in  world. So let's not harm the nature.Lets be sympathetic to the nature ant society to sustain life on the earth. So do not waste the time and adopt suitable measures  immediately to combat the impact of the global warming and climate  change on nature and society. Adopt ecofriendly technologies and mlm in all fields of life .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Zero defect - Zero effect Model of Development


Adopt IPM to

1.For Healthy food, healthy Environment, healthy way of living.
2.Better Environment  ,better community health, safe food,better future,better nature,better healthy life.
3.Healthy food ,healthy Environment, healthy way of living, regular exercise, conservation of natural resources, and ecosystem, are the main mantras of popularizing Fit India movement of Govt of India.
4. Say no to single use plastic ,say no to first use of chemical pesticides in Agriculture,   No burning of crop residues  in crop fields .

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Organic Farming

Farming without use of chemicals is called  as Organic Farming .
Organic farming is done to keep Environment  congenial and suitable to make ecosystem  functional  and to maintain  ecological or natural balance in the nature.In this type of farming traditional and non chemical methods are used and promoted.The basic objective of this type of farming is to produce chemical residues free commodities or safe commodities to eat.
       organic farming is done by way of using various cultural practices like crop rotation, pest resistant seeds of the crops,promoting biological  pest control or management ,using animal wastes as manure and fertilizers,biofertilizers,vermicompost,green  manure and biopesticides place of chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Zero Budget Farming

According to FAO The phrase Zero Budget Farming (ZBF)refers to credit and expenses i .e .without using any credit and without spending any money on purchase of inputs while doing Farming.
enable the farmers to meet expenditure on farming on different farming inputs i.e.on  pesticides, fertilizers, electricity,and on water charges etc.
3.This model of farming promises to cutdown  expenditure drastically and also dependence on loans either through banks or through money lenders or Adhatia etc.
4.This type of farming is done  in synchronizing with the nature's  activities not through the chemical fertilizers and pesticides .
5.Smti Nirmala Sitaraman said that this types of farming will help in doubling the farmers income in days to come .

6.Improving the farmers income as  has been a stated above is  the objective of Modi Govt.It  is already being practiced in some of the states of the country .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Climate Smart Agriculture

    Man is considered as a top of the creatures of the world or universe.He is well developed in evolutionary and other point of view and having sense of discrimination i e.   an ability  to decide good or bad  activities to be performed  to their fellow men and also to the nature and its resources.  We are doing various types of good or bad activities to sustain our life in the world even without caring their bad impacts on the nature and its various  resources. The present climate change is  due to the impact of our adverse or bad activities on various natural resources. Extream summer and extream winter, Prolonged drought,unseasonal excess rain and floods,unseasonal and excess snowing in hilly areas ,different types of emerging pest problems, different types of Environmental pollutions  and other problems are the impacts  of the misuse of natural resources and other anti  nature activities of all of us.These natural changes are referred as climate changes.Climate change affects not only Agriculture but also affects our daily life.
     Climate Smart Agriculture is an integrated approach to manage effect of the climate change while doing farming or Agriculture.  Its farming or  Agriculture production system which can give better response to the climate change.
     With a view to overcome the effect of climate change on Agriculture , society ,ecosystem and nature we have to make climate smart farmers and Agriculture by way of adopting  social and  ecofriendly methods of Agriculture production and protection system.Integrated pest management ,Organic Farming ,Ecological  Enginering ,Prescision farming,practices or technologies must be adopted to  promote climate smart farming. Careful management of the natural resources ,and management of crops through systematic approaches while doing Agriculture to avoid adverse effects of climate change on society and nature  are also the  ways and means of climate smart Agriculture .
       The technology which can dilute the impact of climate change called climate smart technologies. These climate smart technologies are  used to do climate smart farming or Agriculture. Let's empower the farmers to become climate smart Farmers .Besides this we have to make market smart farmers also who can grow the crops which can fetch out the more and higher cost of their Agricultural commodities in the market.
Soil management  including  management of soil health,soil ecology both on above ground and below ground level,checking the degradation and desertification of soil,improving the productivity of soil,retaining the soil moisture and  water level in the soil or earth and restoration of damaged ecosystems in soil,are the major activities to be included for the soil management as the measures  of climate smart Agriculture.
,   SCARCITY  of ground water is the biggest problem because of climate change  leading droughts.Similarly unseasonal and monsoon floods are also the results of the climate change.Our mainsource of water is monsoon  water .Rivers ,ponds ,lakes ,reseviors are not the sources of water but they are the destinations of water.
TO avoid the scarcity of water  Govt is popularizing a concept of  per drop more crop.Lets conserve ,preserve ,and save water for its future use.
Water harvesting system in buildings ,housing  societies,offices residencial houses , farm houses,and near crop fields must be created and installed.
TO avoid the wastage of river there I'd a need of making long waterhyways.A national level project is required to made and be implemented for this purpose.

Besides Agriculture  our many other daily life and social activities  are affecting the climate and climate change which in turn affects the sustainability of our life..Mechanization ,industrilization , Mixing of industry wastes in to  drinking and other water resources also affects our daily life ie health and Environment. Recently a conference on climate change organized by United Nations Organisation held at New York, a 16 years old Sweedish girl named Greta Thaberg gave her emotional  speech  and asked to all the international leaders attended the conference that they have snatched the dreams and  our childhood .How you dare  it.I can not forgive them for their this types of deeds.She said that they have failed to do what was required to be done   meet the challenges of the climate change. They can not be spared from their responsibilities. She also said that if they are selecting the way which can fail  us then we can not  forgive them.Now  the world has become awared and the changes are coming. TWENTY ONE STATES OF OUR COUNTRY ie.INDIA HAVE SCARCITY OF GROUND WATER.IT IS DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Social and political Environment

Social and political Environment also play an important role to maintain and sustain the natural environment hence social  and political Environment must be nature friendly to sustain nature and make it congenial to sustain life on the earth.
    Both political and social,Environmental are depend upon the mindsets of the political ,social leaders and beaurecrates who lead the society for which real understanding of the themes and objectives of the projects to be implemented must be there.wrong understanding of the themes and objectives will lead the project to wrong direction which will give us wrong results and correct understanding will give rise correct results .

Sunday, September 8, 2019

IPM Thoughts for Fit India movement of Govt of India .....continue

Ko16.Phisical and Mental Fitness, Change in food habits and living with  as per the requirements of Environment  and restoring of the damaged ecosystems damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides are the  basic needs for popularizing the fit India movement of Govt of India. Food security along with food safety  ,regular exercise, maintaining  safe and sanitized  environment,to live as per the requirements of Environment,  are the fundamental activities required to be undertaken to popularize Fit India movement .Balanced food or complete food( i .e.the food containing all seven components of the food ie water ,carbohydrates, proteins,mineral ,vitamins ,fats, fiber or rouphage) must also be taken on balance form to keep ourselves FIT TO WORK.
IPM is an ecofriendly  way of farming which  provide us ecofriendly way of living  by way of providing better suited Environment to live  comfortably.
17.Healthy food ,healthy Environment, healthy way of living,regular exercise,conservation of natural resources and ecosystem avoiding and avoiding their misuse  are the main mantras of fit India movement.
18.Management of daily lifestyle ,I.e.disciplined lifestyle sympathy to elderly people and natural resources and to maintain universal brotherhood harmony with nature and society are the essential activities to be implemented to popularize Fit India Movement of India.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Major types of I'll effects of chemical pesticides.

Human and animal health hazards,Ecological imbalance or ecology related problems,Development of resistance against pesticides,problem of pest resurgence,Environmental pollution, destruction of beneficials,problem of pesticides residues in soil,water,food,fodder  and feeds,appearance of  new pests problems ,and poisoning of soil, are the some of the major I'll effects of the chemical pesticides due  to their liberal and indiscriminate  use.Lets combate these problems through implementation of different IPM activities and programmes
to make our body fit  and Environment healthy which are the essential requirements to promote the Fit India movement of Govt of India.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


1.Adopt Organic Farming and Climate Smart Farming to ensure our  fitness and comfortable living.
2.Use natural resources judiciously  to avoid damage of Ecosystem.
3.Do not overexploit or misuse the natural resources.
4.Lets not contaminate  the natural resources like water,soil ,air etc.with indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides in Agriculture.
5.Grow safe food to ensure safe health.
6.IPM is an ecofriendly way of farming or plant protection.
7.Lets adopt ecofriendly way of living.
8.The first Green Revolution was not found as ecofriendly  way of Agriculture.
9.Now ecofriendly Science is the need of the hour.
10. IPM give  us a way of living without harming to the ,Environment, nature and society by way of providing us a better Environment.
11.Lets not contaminate the food before or after the harvesting the food commodities.
12.Reduction of chemical pesticides in Agriculture will give us opportunities to make disease free India.
13.Lets change the crop rotation as per the requirements of our food habits which are suitable to make us fit to work.
14 The production of coarse  cereals (more  Anaj) Is today's requirements for our fitness.
15.Phisical exercise can give us physical and mental fitness .

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


1 Walk for health
     Work for wealth
     Worship fo God
      Yoga for fitness.
2.Grow safe food for safe and  s  
ecure life
3.Use balance diet for healthy life.
4.Aviod  chemicals in Agriculture to grow safe food.
5.Safe and healthy food for healthy life.
6.Make Environment neat,clean and , green to keep our body fit.
7.Junk food is harmful to our healthy life.
8.Manage your daily life style to keep your body fit.
9.IPM helps to make us fit.
10 Safe and secure food is basis of healthy life.
11.Adopt IPM to grow safe and secure food.
12.Regular Excercise,safe and balance diet are the keys for healthy life.
13.Fit India and Hit India.
14.Fitness is a key for success
15.Lets not contaminate the soil,water and air with the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides  in Agriculture..
16.Self motivation is a key mantra of fitness.
17.One Apple a day keeps doctor away.
18.Promote organic Farming to  prevetnt health problems due to chemical  pesticides.
19.IPM is  the  first step towards organic farming.
20.Promote  bio fertilizers and biopesticides in place of chemical pesticides  and fertilizers.Ensure their availability to the doorsteps of the farmers.
21.Due care of elderly people keep them healthy.Lets not neglect them .They are our role models and guiding sources.
22.Malnutrion is the biggest problem of our society.It lead anemia  especially in women.
23.Coarse Cereals are better for healthy life .Let's promote them for farming.
24.Lets not contaminate the food before or after the harvesting.
25.Lets not burn the crop stubblesand crop residues after harvesting the crop to avoid air pollution.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Adopt IPM in Agriculture to promote FIT INDIA movement .

FIT INDIA  movement was launched by Hon.Prime Minister Shri Nareder Modi on National Sports day  i.e.on 29th August  2019 on the birth day of Shri Dhyan Chand Hocky Icon of India to make Healthy  and fit India both mentally and physically.
      Integrated Pest Managent (IPM)will play an important role in promoting Fit India  movement through implementation of various  programmes and activities of the National IPM programme of Govt of India which is being implemented by    the Directorate of Plant protection,quarantine and Storage under Unon Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare through its various Central IPM centers located in different states of India and other schemes of this Dte.
        IPM  is Committed to grow and provide safe food to eat,safe water to drink ,safe air to breathe, safe
Environment to live, safe ecosystem to sustain life   to  make healthy society of our country by way of reducing the use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers  in Agriculture which is the main objective of IPM. This Dte is also implementing  various types of  programmes to create awareness about the I'll effects of chemical pesticides on community health, Environment, nature and society though trainings and practical demonstrations in the farmers fields.
A Grow safe Food programme is also being implemented through placement of hoardings at prominent places for creating awareness about the  safe and judicious use of the chemical pesticides in crop fields as safe food is the basis of the healthy life.Besides this a programme of Monitoring of pesticides residues at nation level (MPRNL)  to assess and monitor of the presence of the pesticides residues in  Agricultural produce is also being implemented by this Dte.
      Integrated pest management (IPM)is also Committed to convert poisonous farming to safe farming,conserving nature and its resources  for better future,maintaining the soil health. Al these activities as explained above are able  to promote Fit India Moovement with its basic objective to make India healthy,wealthy and wise.
.The following IPM slogans will also
Facilitate inpromoting IPM as well as  Fit India Movement.
1.IPM for better Environment.
2.IPM for better Community health.
3.IPM is a way of Farming without harming to the nature and society.
4.Adopt IPM  with harmony to nature and society
5.Adopt IPM to grow safe food.
6.Adopt IPM to avoid soil,water, strand Environment pollutions.

Friday, August 30, 2019

IPM is based on.......

1.pest monitoring and pest Surveillance.
2.Accurate decision making based on Agroecosystem Analysis or  IT based device through precision farming.
3.Judicious use of natural resources.
4.conserving nature for better future.
5.Minimizing use of chemicals i. e .pesticides and fertilizers.
6.prevention is better than cure.

7.No first use of chemicals.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why do we need IPM ?

We need IPM to....
1.Avoid ill effects of chemical pesticides and fertilizers on community health, Environment, different types of ecosystems,biodiversity, society and nature to sustain  life on earth,to conserve nature for better future,to of maintain natural balance in nature and universal brotherhood.
2.To ensure food security along with food safety.
3.To convert poisonous farming to safe farming.
4.To restore the damaged agro ecosystem  damaged due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides.
5.To grow  healthy and safe food to eat and quality Agricultural products to trade.
6.To increase profitability in Agriculture.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Objectives of IPM

1.Grow safe food ,fodder and feed to eat to humanbeing ,cattles and pets.
2.Grow quality Agricultural commodities to trade.
3.To reduce the use of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers in crop cultivation for reducing pesticides residue in food,fodder,and feeds.
4.To improve the livelihood of the farmers and to enhance their income.
5.To reduce soil,water,air, pollution due to  use of the the chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
6.To grow bumper crop with minimum expenditure and least disturbance to Environment, ecosystem, biodiversity  community health ,nature and society. conserve nature and to maintain  natural ecological balance.
8.To maintain smooth national and international Agricultural trade.
9.To reduce occupational hazards due to use of chemical pesticides.
10.To restore damaged ecosystems due to indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides.
11.To reduce the dominancy of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers in Agriculture.
12.To promote use of the nonchemical methods of pest management.
13. To ensure IPM inputs to the farmers at their door steps.
14.T o ensure safe community health,safe Environment, safe and secure Agriculture.
15.Converting poisonous farming to safe farming.
16.To ensure food security along with food safety  simultaneously.
17.To ensure Green Revolution  along with quality  Revolution.
18.To sustain life on earth.
19.To promote ease of life through ease of doing business or farming.
20.Maximize crop production with minimum input cost.
22.Minimize Environmental pollution in soil,water and air due to pesticides.
23.To maintain  soil health,community health,and also to conserve the natural resources.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

IPM a service for the nation and society.

Integrated pest management is a service both  for the nation as well as for the society as it is  Committed to  ensure safe food,safe environment,safe health,  safe trade to the society and also committed to conserve nature for better future.It also Committed to ensure food security of the nation.
     IPM is  a way of plant protection with harmony to the nature and society.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

IPM is a way of plant protection which intend to.......

1.Grow safe food
2.keep Environment neat ,clean ,safe and green.
3.make farmers healthy and wealthy .
4.maintsin ecological balance
5.make ease of life.
6.improve farmers livelihood
maintain safe and secured  Agriculture.
7.sustain life on earth.
8.Green revolution along with quality revolution.
9.better community health.
10.conserve nature for better future.
11.maintain safe agritrade.
12.maintain harmony with nature and society.
13.maintsin food security along with food safety.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Plant protection

Plant protection is one of the major activities of farming system which reveals the safeguarding of plants and plant materials from the revages  of biotic and abiotic steresses on crops.Thus plant protection is a way of farming system.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Let's sustain the nature to sustain our life.

Nature  is a self sustained system through its several ecosystems .we exploit the nature through our  various activities which are done to fulfill our endless desires . This exploitation of the nature leads adverse effects on our life as well as on  the functionality and sustainability of the nature. To sustain the functionality of the nature and its various  ecosystems is the main objective of IPM.Lets sustain and maintain  the  productivity of soil,restore the damaged ecosystems of the nature  damaged  due to our various types of activities.Lets not do any activity  which damage the nature and its ecosystems including agroecosystem. This is the main objective of IPM.

Let's change wastes in to bests ....cond

How to prepare decomposer:-
Add 2 kg gur with 200 lit of water in a drum.keep this solution in shed for a week.Stire it daily in morning.You will get decomposer within a week.
2.Use two pits toilets in houses to cover toilet in to manure.
3. Do not burn crop residue  in the fields .It will destroy the microbes .Spray decomposer  to convert them on to manure..
4. Gober, Neem , jutai,.jaivik  soil banai.
5 we can use waterhacinth to  convert it in to biogas.and left over can be made and  used as manure by the method given earlier.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Let's Change Wastes in to Bests

Appoint the cows which are not giving milk and let them allow to live as retired life .Give them feed .next day they will give us gober .Put this gober in to biodigester through which the methane gas will be produced  .Use this gas for light or cooking purpose. Allow the earthworms to feed on
this gober which will be converted  in to Vermicompost or black gold.
Put the rotten useless things in to the compost pit in which certain maggots will developed which are the delicious food  for the poultries Next day these poultries will give big size eggs.
Provide the  wastes material from the fish market  to ducks as it  is the preferred food of ducks to get big  size healthy eggs of ducks.
   Thus we can covert wastes in to the bests.

How to make farming profitable to enhance farmers income

To make farming profitable and to enhance the farmers income thefarmers  have to adopt  following three types of ways and means......
1.To adopt Integrated farming i e. to include allied activities relted with farming or agriculture like ...
Animal husbandary,firsh,and poultry
Farming ,goat farming,bee keeping,pig farming,silk and lack industry,dairy  business ,Agro forestry ie.growing of plants along with the main crop.
2.Processing,sause jam ,jelly, pickles,potato chips,papd,badi,corn flex,soybean products, fruit juice
3.Crop diversification adopt profitable  crop rotation,Shiftng of traditional  farming in to scientific farming. Floriculture ,Mushroom  cultivation.
4. Converting wastes in to garbage in to manure,and gases,worming
compost  etc.
5 .Organic and precision farming.
6.Growing of exportable crops of export quality Agricultural commodities.
7.Growing of demond based unseasonal vegetables etc.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Problems related with Farming or Agriculture.

Earlier inndian Agriculture  or farming was considered one of the best occupation in India but now a  days it is not preferred by the youngsters as it has become non profitable occupation. Now the farming is facing Various types of problems  which are related with nature, Society, Economics ,policies,and the issues relted with living of making ease of living.Few of these problem s related with Indian Farming are placed below: -
1.Problems  related with nature  such as Climate change,Ecosystem and Environment, Global Warming related problems such as Extream winter,Extream Summer,floods,bursting of clouds,hillstorm ,Cyclone,Tsunami,unseasonal rains,prolonged winter and summer, water,soil,air,noise pollution, Greenhouse effects rising of global temperature,melting of glacials and problem of drought etc
2.policy related problems  such as fixing of MSP of different crops,Trdae relted issues,
3.Health related problems
4.Economical problems such as farming has now become non profitable occupation.
5.Ease of living i e
how to make life more comfortable and easy to live.
6.Problems related with creation of infrastructures ie store houses and mandies and processing industries. etc

7.problems related with natural calamities.
8.Enhancing the numbers of small and marginal farmers.
9.Enhancement of cost of production of Agri produce.
10.problems related with loanes,
11.Ptoblems of farmers suicides .
12.Non procurement of agri produce on reasonable rates by the Govt agencies in quntity desired  to be sold by the farmers. Some times the vegetables like potatoes and tomatoes are destroyed by the farmers due to mon geting of reasonable prices.Some times the Industrialits  gets and earn many times more price of the the farm produce than the farmers.


Sunday, July 14, 2019

IPM BACHAN....contd

81.Lets do IPM with full mindset,full thoughts and thinking andwithfull actions or involvement.
83.Lets convert wastes in to the best through reuse or further use and recycling. 
84. Convert Cowdung  in to biofertilizer through use of the biodigester and the use earthworms to convert it in to Vermicompost . The rotten vegetable residue  are kept in to Compost pit.On further process there will be emergence of maggots  which are the delicious food for poultry  through which they will lay more healthy eggs .Poultry  do not work during night . During  night the frogs will act.The ducks eat  the wastes of the fish markets .Thus we can make a system of recycling and reusing the waste to convert them in to wastes.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

IPM Satya Bachan

70.Do not exploit the nature against the principles of the nature.Lets allow the nature to behave like nature
71.we cannot satisfy the hunger through Google.
72.Agriculture is not a symbolic issue but it is a practical subject .Breads and Dal can  not be downloaded from  Google.
73.Govt must make a policy to ensure Water to every field and family.
74.Soil ,water,air,pollutions are the results of our own activities .Let's be serious to do our activities. Let's not pollute the natural resources as they help us to sustain our life in the universe .
75.Excess of rain or flood, excess of droughts ,Exvess of summer and winter  are due to climate change .Let's deal them carefully.
76.Rain water harvesting  is one of the methods of the conservation of water. Let's conserve and save water.
77.Water  is very precious. Use it judiciously in Agriculture in day to day life.Adopt per drop more crop while using water in Agriculture.
78.Lets not waste water and food ..
79.We are the top of the creatures but wasting the resources of the nature.Lets conserve nature for better future.
80.Use natural resources  judiciously to save them for future generations.

Friday, July 12, 2019

IPM Bachan (true IPM Thoughts).....cont

58.Lets conserve jal,jeev,jameen and jungle to sustain life on earth.
59.Use natural resources judiciously. Save,protect and conserve them for the use of the future  generations.
60 We are top of the creatures but wasting the resources of the nature. Let's conserve nature for better future.
61.Lets not waste and misuse the natural  resources. 
62. Let's not waste food and water.
63.Water is very precious. Use water judiciously in Agriculture. Grow per drop more crop.
Rain water harvesting is one of the methods of the conservation of water.
65.Do not exploit the nature against the  principles  of the  nature. Let's allow the nature to behave like nature.
66.we must unite together for water.
67.Rivers,ponds,lakes ,canals, are not the sources of water but they are destination of water. Monsoon  water is only source of water.
68.we need responsible action to restore the   availability of water.
69.IPM is one  side related with  nature and another side it is related with society. Use nature and society friendly methods of pest management.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Pre requisites for Implementation of IPM.

1.Change of propesticidal mindsets of the people through creation of awareness about the ill effects of the chemical pesticides on health and Environment.
2.Be sympathetic to all living creatures (both harmful and beneficials )found in the nature and agroecosystem  through their management and conservation.
3.Make judicious use of all natural resources  like water .
4.Agroecosystem System Analysis based decision making through strict Surveillance before adoption of any intervention  for the crop and pest management.
5.To ensure availability of all IPM inputs at the door steps of the farmers.
6.Adoptionof pfrofitable crop rotation which can coup up the impact of climate change and natural disasters.
7.Empowering  and motivating the  farmersthrogh training and Demonstrations to grow safe,bumper and healthy  crop with minimum expenditure, with minimum use of the chemical pesticides,with least disturbance to community health,ecosystem, Environment,biodiversity nature and society through skill Development  activities,
8.Giving due importance to human being, other animals and soil health ,Ecosystem, biodiversity, nature and society.
9. Promote nonchemical,farmers,nature and society  friendly  practices of the pest  and crop management.
10 Self realization,self empowerment,self motivation,self involvement, self understanding  are the major prerequisites to achieve the goals  for implementing any scheme.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

IPM Bachan (True IPMThoughts )...... Contd

48.Humanbeings are placed  on the top of the creatures .Being top place among all creatures we also must have the quality of topness or highness to show kindness for all the living and nonliving things of the universe or nature  to save , conserve and protect them .To sustain life on the earth is our own responsibility. No any organism has been provided this  responsibility. We have got the power or the sense of discrimination 
ie which one is good or bad  act.
We must not do any act which disturb the Environment and Ecosystem through which the life in this world is sustained.we must restrict out desires  which are endless and doing adverse effect on nature and society  creating imbalance in the nature which is against the principle of IPM.Lets be sympathetic to  all the living and nonliving things of the nature to sustain life on  the earth.
49.IPM is the way of empowering the farmers to grow healthy and safe crops to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade  without disturbing the Environment, Nature and Society.
50. IPM is the plant protection  to grow crops with intention   to provide safe food,fodder and feed keeping better Environment, community, health and Universal brotherhood's.
51.IPM is relating the plant protection with nature and society.  52.IPM is associated with overall development of nature and society.
53 Let's make family farmers who can provide us safe food .
54.No first use of chemical pesticides must be the principle of IPM.
55.Adopt IPM to ensure safe food ,safe and protected ecosystem  and to ensure hormony with nature and society.
56.Adopt IPM for safe and secure Agriculture,better Environment, better community health.and universal brotherhood.
57.Agriculture is done through exploitation of the nature.Lets use the natural resources judiciously.

Principles Relted with implementation of IPM

1. Adopt IPM  for better Environment
2.IPM for safe and secure Agriculture
3.IPM to protect Nature.
4.Adopt IPM to grow safe food.
5. Be sympathetic to all living organisms  found in Agrow Ecosystem .
6.IPM is a way of Farming without harming to the nature and society.
7.conserve nature  for better future.
8.welfare  of all in the universe.
9.Live and let live must be the principle of IPM.
10.Hormony with nature and society.
11.Lets allow nature to behave like nature .
12.IPM is a way of plant protection which relates nature with society.
13.Convert wastes in bests.
14.Convert poisonous farming in to safe farming.
15. No first use of the chemical pesticides in Agriculture is  the first and foremost principle of IPM implementation.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Integrated Pest Management(IPM) in My View

 Friends ,we are doing different activities to sustain our   life on earth and also to make our life more and more comfortable and are getting two types of results  i .e.

  either as per our expectations and desires  or not as per our expectations .The results which are as per our expectations if they are accepted by the mass or society for future use become concept and the results which are not as per our expectations  become lessons for the future.  Concepts are a kind of openion of doing activity or group of activities to get the desired results .

Integrated pest Management  is a kind of concept of doing Agriculture or Farming  to fulfill  our objectives .

Agriculture has now become multi objective based occupation. The objectives of Agriculture  are changed as per our requirements or social needs or desires to make our life more comfortable. Since independence we had tried various  types of modules (nearly 20 types of modules )of Agriculture  or farming to fulfill  our needs.These modules are Tradditional farming,Grow More food programme,Cooperative  farming,Green Revolution  Programme,Pest monitoring and Surveillance, Biological control of crop pests and Weeds,Sustainable Agriculture, ,IPM demos,IPM modules,Agroecosystem Analysis based module of IPM,Plant Health Management Programme,Organic Farming,Integrated Farming, Climate Smart Farming,Prescision Farming,Natural Farming,Zerobased Farming,Trade specific Farming,Area specific Farming,Need of Second Green Revolution,

    Considering the present Social,economical,ecological, Environmental, and health Scenarios and perspectives,the Farming must be,safe,sustainable,profitable,businesses and income oriented and harmonious  with the nature and society.

Management is  a way of doing ⁷ to get a desired results .In view of this the pest management is the suppression of pest population in any way to a level at which the harm is inflicted to insignificant or minor.When more than one methods are used to manage the pest population then it is called as Integrated Pest Management(IPM). This is the basic concept of IPM.Farming itself is an integrated technology in which more than one methods are used to cultivate the crops even for the management of the pest population also.Any organism which is economically harmful to man is called as pest but in my opinion none of the organism of this universe is a pest .They are innocent animals and are the units of an ecosystem.If any organism behave like a pest ,it behave under the provocative conditions created by man..Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a way of farming without harming to the nature and society and also a kind of skill  development programme to make all IPM stakeholders including farmers competent and expert to produce healthy,safe and bumper crop harvest to eat and also to produce quality Agricultural  commodities  to trade with minimu

m expenditure,with minimum use of chemical pesticide s, with minimum  or least disturbance to community health,Environment, Ecosystem, biodiversity, nature and society  by suppressing the pest population below Economic .threshold level though adoption of  available, affordable,feasible,acceptable,methods of the pest management in integrated manner aiming promotion and upgrading of livelihood of the farmers and also to ensure food security along with food safety to keep environment   clean ,green ,and suitable to sustain life  on the earth through managment and conservation of pests and their biocontrol agents  found existing in agro ecosytem required for survival of life on  the earth.
     Integrated Pest Management (I PM) is a way of plant protection  with due care of community health,Environment, Ecosystem,Biodiversity, Nature and Society. We are self responsible to take care of Environment,Ecosystem,,Biodiversity,.Nobody will take care of these things.
         Thus IPM is a concept, not a method of pest management and the concepts are always changed as per the requirements and the changing the themes   and activities to be done  to fulfill  the desires of the life.Lets practice the IPM concept in proper way with proper methodology to get desired results.Lets ensure the availability of IPM inputs to the farmers at their door steps which can facilitate the implementation of IPM.A strong political and social will power is also needed to implement I PM properly.IPM practices do not operate in isolation hence they must be used in integrated way .

Live and let live,conserve all beneficials as well as pests found in agroecoeystem, tolerate the crop loss due to pests up to the pest population below ETL,maintain harmony with nature and society,reduce the indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizers  are the basic principles of the implementation of IPM.
    Crop management through systematic approaches  is the modern or new concept of IPM. But this concept does not describes the the care of nature ,society, environment,ecosystems,community health, biodiversity etc.which are the basic requirements of IPM.To fulfill the modern objectives of IPM in view of society and nature to sustain life on earth and to make farming profitable and safe and considering   a way of ease of life  IPM has now IPM concept has assumed   the concept of the  complete technological  Integration instead of methodological integration .

   IPM Is mainly based on five major principles related with nonviolence, sensitiveness,sympathy,tolerence and harmony with nature and society in view of making the farming profitable and safe.

   IPM is essential to conserve agroecosystem, environment, biodiversity,nature and it's resources like water,air,soil,forests,rivers ,seas ,wild life etc.

IPM is an approach to make farming safe,profitable,eco,nature, environment,society,and trade friendly and also a way of ease of living.

IPM is an approach to make Swachchh Bharat,Samraddha Bharat,Saktishali Bharat,, and Shrestha Bharat, though harmony with nature and society..

      IPM is based on self awareness, self understanding, and self involvement and self participation  in implementing the I PM progrmme,timely planning and preparedness to ensure the availability of IPM inputs ,strict pest surveillance and monitoring,correct and proper Agroecosystem Analysis and correct decision making, implementation and promotion of nonchemical methods of pest management, conservation of beneficial organisms in the crop fields,proper awareness about pesticides that all the chemical pesticides are poisons and must be used only as an emergency tools,  only  by the approved acridiated pest control operators .It is observed that inspite  of well knowing  that the chemical pesticides are poisons and are harmful to our health and environment the farmers are using the chemical  pesticides and fertilizers indiscrimintely hence there is need to create awareness among the farmers though training and demonstrations that excess of the pesticides is not required for the production of crop yields and there is also a need to ensure the alternative of the chemical pesticides in form of the IPM inputs to the farmers at their doorsteps.

     In view of today's  social economical,natural, environmental,scinario,s and requirements  the   concepts of crop production ,protection and IPM must be safe,profitable,sustainable, business and income oriented harmonious with the nature ,society and life.Lets convert IPM and Organic Farming in to income and business oriented profitable  Integrated Farming  to enhance the farmers farmers income and to upgrade their livelihood besides ensuring the safety of nature , environment and society.

    Welfare of all in the universe is the Moto of IPM.

Chemical pesticides and fertilizers which are extensively and indiscriminately used in Agriculture for crop production and protection purpose ,are the main culprits and are responsible for the problems related with community health, Environment,Ecosystems ,nature and society.None of the chemical pesticide is safe but it can be and must be used safely only as an emergency tool not as priority tool as they are being used in agriculture now a days .Let's reduce the use of the chemical pesticides and fertilizer s to  avoid their adverse effects on community health, environment,ecosystem nature and society.IPM is not against the use of the chemical pesticides but it is definitely against the misuse of the chemical pesticides.

     Restoration of Ecosystem,conservation of environment ,ecosystem, biodiversityand nature,making society healthy, and prosperous,making environment congenial to make life easy and comfortable,maintaining natural balance  are the major objectives of I PM.

IPM are three small words with very wide vision,value and importance as they are associated with all aspects of life.IPM is related with nature and society.we need healthy,wealthy,wise and prosperous society and also ease of living with  comfortable  and safe life 

through food safety ie productio.n of safe food.IPM is also related with nature as the life is operated and sustained by the nature through its ecosystems.It ensures the nature  to behave  like nature to sustain and operate life on earth.

Same agricultural practice some times may be or may not be an IPM practice It depend upon intention and way of its application.For example indiscriminate use of the chemical pesticides is not an IPM practice  whereas judicious use of the chemical pesticides is an IPM practice.IPM is the manipulation of farming system to maintain pest population below ETL and natural ecological balance in agroecosytem .

  Self understanding,self safety,self awareness,self motivation,self preparation,self participation,and self implementation,are the key mantras of implementation of IPM .No govt can implement IPM.Govt can only facilitate us to implement IPM by way of providing the IPM inputs,infrastructure and logistic supports to the farmers but we have to implement IPM ourselves.

  Let's adopt IPM  for better Environment,to Grow safe food,to conserve beneficial organisms found in agroecosystem, to convert poisonous farming in to safe nonpoisonous farming by way of reducing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers and promoting the use of biopestivides ,organic and plants and animal based manure and pesticides and also to convert traditional farming in to income and business oriented Integrated farming.

Let's not ignored any IPM stakeholders including farmers ,Research Agricultural Scientists,and Extension workers etc.who are helping us in providing food to sustain our life on earth.

                                    (RAM ASRE   )

                                Additional PPA  (IPM) Retired.Dte of Dte of PPQ$S