A demonstration of Agroecosystem based Ecological Engineering in Cole crops was conducted by the Directorate of Plnt Protection ,Quarantine and Storage during Krishi Vasant 2014 programme held from 09-13 Feb,2014 at Central Institute of Cotton Research Nagpur.In this demonstration,the Cole crops were bordered by the Sunfower,Mustard,Merigold and Coriender crops .The Sunflower crop being tallest crop among these crops was able to attract the Helicoverpa pest ,it was surrounded by two rows of Mustard crop which was able to attract different types of biocontrol agents like Chrysoperla and lady bird beetles and pollinators like Honey bees etc.Coriender crop was excellent crop for attracting different types of biocontrol agents of different pests of main cole crops . Merigold crop was preferable crop for egg laying of Helicoverpa .It was observed that Cabage and Cauliflower crops found effected with Aphid population and Aphid population of cole crops was found parasitized by Aphidius ,a potential parasite of Aphid .This parasite could be able to manage the Aphid population in the Cole crops .This demonstration field was visited by thousands of farmers visited Krishi Vasant 2014at Nagpur and also Hon shri Pranabh Mukharji the then Presisent of India. They were fully impressed about the role of this parasite of Aphid for managing its population effectvely without use of any chemical pesticides. They were also impressed about this technology of Ecological Engineering.
In this type of technology of Ecological Engineering some times other crops like Maize,Sorghum Bajara ,lemon grass etc ,are also used as border crops . This technology is helpful to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in Agriculture thus reducing the cost of cultivation and enhancing the farmes income upto great extent.