*East or West ,IPM is the best
To keep pests in the rest.
*IPM is the way of farming without harming to nature and society.
*IPM is a three tier skill Development programme which includes :-
...Seasonlong,trainings of trainers (TOT) and crash programmes to make Master trainers in states or in Central level who helps in Human Resource development for imparting trainings to IPM Stakeholders.
...Conducting IPM Farmers Field Schools (IPM FFS)along with IPM demonstrations for the farmers as well as for State Agriculture Extention Officers as apprentice trainees for Human Resource Development in the states further behaving as facilitators or trainers for organising IPM FFS in the states among farmers and States Extention Officers for popularizing and implementing IPM in the states .
...Conducting farmers to farmers trainings
while implementing IPM and popularizing IPM among the farmers in the states through adoption and further spread of IPM message through further multiplier effect or process.
* Bench Mark Survey is the process of knowing the current status of knowledge of IPM implementation among IPM Stakeholders.
*Ballot box tests are conducted as a pre training activity for the assessment of the knowledge of the trainees about IPM.
*Surveillance is the regular process to monitor the population of the pests through surveys and other activities like using light traps,Pheromone traps sticky colour traps,etc..Fixed plot and Rapid Roving Surveys are conducted to monitor the population of pests and their biocontrol agents.Rapid Roving Surveys are conducted to note the pest situation in large areas in minimum shortest time ie to cover more and more area in minimum time.
*Sticky and coloured traps help to note the appearance of the pests .
*e pests Surveillance helps to facilitate the Surveillance and monitoring the population of the pests which helps for issuence of Advisories for the pests .
*AESA is the way to decide the practices to be done to manage the pests.AESA helps to acertain the need of chemical pesticides before using them.
*FFS is the way to make the farmers expert to manage the pests .
*FFS is the tool to transfer of IPM technology and spread the IPM message among the society .
* At first IPM FFS Commenced in form of Clusters demonstrations.
*Seasong Taining programmes makes IPM Stakeholders competent grow safe and healthy food .
*IPM FFFs programmes includes ,conducting of bench mark survey,AESA,ParticipatoryAction Research Activities,Group dynamics,Mono or group acting ,Group discussion for decision making ,Theoritical teaching ,Field activities ,Group learning ,through Nonfarmal education system and Farmers fairs at the end.
* Learning by doing ,believing by seeing,participatory approach, group learning,nonfarmal education system is followed for conducting IPM training,demonstration, and conducting IPM FFSs.
*Preparation of Insect Zoo is a kind of Participatory Action Research (PAR)activity to show the in action activities of insects in covered potted plant or in field in a selected and covered area in crop field.
*Ecogical Engineering the way to conserve the natural enemies of the pests .
*.IPM provides safety and security while managing the population of the pests .
*State level IPM Conferences IPM demoes facilitated to popularise IPM in the states.
* Crash programmes ,FFS,and Season long training training programmes helped to make IPM master trainers in the states.
*Chemicals are the only emergency solution for managing the population of the pests .
*IPM is the safe way to manage the pests .
*Adopt IPM for safe and secure Agriculture.
*Ensuring IPM inputs at doorsteps of the farmers is the essential need to manage the population of the pests.
* Grow safe food and quality Agricultural commodities is the main theme of IPM while managing the pests.
* IPM is bioecological and Socioeconomic approach of managing the pests.
* Preparation of Check Points helped to monitor the progress of implementation of I PM programmes .
* Grant in Aids programmes helped to Construct IPM labs in the states.
*Printing and publication of IPM Posters,Mannuals,Field guides,Package of Practices in English ,Hindi,and regional languages helped to popularise I PM in the states.
* promotion of Cultural,Machanical and biological IPM practices helped to reduce the use of chemical pesticides.
*Mass multiplication of biocontrol agents on laboratory hosts ,their releases against different crop pests and weeds ,assessment of their effectiveness through direct and indirect recovery trials to see their colonization and establishment in new areas also.Augmentation and conservation of biocontrol agents .
*Publication of research papers based on field trials on biocontrol agents.
* Screening of biocontrol agents from field collected material their identification,and preservation.
* Identification of good or bad organisms found in agroecosystem.
* Awareness programme about I'll effects of chemical pesticides in Agriculture.
*IPM is a skill Development programme to make the IPM stakeholders competent to grow chemical less, safe, healthy,crops to eat and quality Agricultural commodities to trade with minimum expenditure and least disturbance to community health, Environment,ecosystem, biodiversity nature and society .
* Grow Safe Food Campaign helped to popularise IPM in the states.Grow safe Food Campaign has been initiated to caryout message of safe and judicious use of chemical pesticides among different IPM stakeholders. A simple message on five essential principles of judicious pesticides use-application of pesticides on right crops,against right pests ,at right time,with right dose and right methods was conveyed through hoardings,banners etc in regional language in prominent places.
*Preparation of IPM SOPs helped to provide the knowledge of IPM Among its stakeholders.
* Participation in IPM Exhibitions such as Krishi Vasant organized in 2014 at CICR Nagpur and other Krishi Malas helped to popularise IPM among farming community in wast way.