फसल पारिस्थितिक तंत्र में जमीन के नीचे एवं जमीन के ऊपर पाए जाने वाले विभिन्न प्रकार के जीव जंतुओं तथा वनस्पतियों को सम्मिलित रूप से बायोडायवर्सिटीअथवा जैव विविधता कहते हैं l
* एक ऐसा जीवन जिसमें विविधता हो अर्थात विभिन्न प्रकार के जीव जंतु एवं पेड़ पौधे पाए जाते हैं बायोडायवर्सिटी कहलाता है l
We must give equal opportunity for the survival of each and every organism found in a particular locality.
conservation of biodiversity:-
1.Removal of those cultural practices from farming system which are harmful to the benefecial organisms found in agroecosystem and promotin of those cultural practices in the farming system which can promote the build of population of the beneficial organisms found in agroecosystem is called as conservation of biodiversity .
2.To make Environment and habitate better suited for survival and buildup of the population of beneficial organisms found in agroecosystem is called as conservation of biodiversity.
Conservation of biodiversity is one of the major a activities of implementation of Natural farming as well as IPM .
The following a activities will help to conserve biodiversity in agroecosystem while doing farming.
*Total removal of use of chemicals in the farming system.say no to chemicals .
*Avoiding monocropping and adopt multi cropping.
*Adopting suitable crop rotation .
* Growing intercropping and border cropping .
* Avoid trash burning and promoting mulching of crop residues in the crop field.
* Using Cow dung and cow urine based natural farming inputs.
*Planting trees around borders as border crops .
*Very less human intervention is needed for the survival of each an every organisms found in a particular area or crop field .
*Lets plant different types of trees ,and plants in a field .We must plant fruit plants ,vegetable crops ,pulses ,oilseed crops , flower plants etc in a same field to conserve biodiversity.
** Different types of biocontrol agents found in an agroecosystem:-
2.Insect predators
3.Insect parasitiods
4.Insect pathogens
5.Antagonestic fungi
6.Insect nematodes DD136 Nematode
7.Insect viruses .
8.Insect pathogenic fungi Beuveria bassiana,Metarhyzium anisoplae ,Fusarium etc .
**.Pollinators such as bautteries etc.
** Earthworms and other soil dwelling organims .