Friday, July 30, 2021

Impact ,outcome and success stories of IPM programmes and activities .

Success stories of different  Programmes and    activities of Integrated Pest Management(I PM)
1.IPM programme has been accepted by the states and has been included in their Agricultural  package of practices. 
2.The IPM package of practices prepared by the Dte of plant protection ,quarantine and Storage have also been included in the package of practices made by different state Govts.
3.Considering the I'll effects of chemical pesticides on human being and animals,Environment, ecosystems ,nature and its resources,and society the farmers, intellectuals ,Scientists and several state governments have started to reduce the indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides in agriculture and suitchover  the other modules of crop production  and protection such as Organic Farming,Zero budget  based  natural farming ,to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture , to reduce the cost of cultivation ,to keep operative the Agroecosystem found in under and above ground .
4.Pest Survey and Surveillance programmes organized by the Dte of plant protection ,quarantine and Storage and state Govts were able to earmarked the Endemic pest Areas in different states ,and also helped to detect emerging pests and disease problems in different years in different states enabling them to  make suitable strategies to combat these  pests and Diseases problems  timely
5.Several states  like Odisha,Maharastra ,Rajasthan have started e pest Surveillance programmes on the advise of  Dte of plant protection quarantine and  Storage and NCIPM New Delhi.
6.IPM FARMERS FIELD SCHOOL programme found helpful to popularise the concept of IPM among farming community and state Govt officers.This programme empowered the farmers and state Extention workers with IPM knowledge and skills enabling them to grow healthy crops with reduce cost and minimum use of chemicals and least disturbance to Environment. 
7.Farmers could know about the benefecial organisms found in agroecosystem contributing a lot to manage the pest population below ETL.
8.Farmers Field Schools  programme has been widely accepted by the other schemes of the DAC $FW and also by the NGOs .
9.Awareness among the farmers was created about the following IPM Concepts and techniques. 
.Economic threshold level
.Agroecosystem Analysis. 
.Benefecial fauna found in AE S.
.Harmful effects of chemical pesticides on beneficial fauna.
.Use of bio pesticides and biocontrol agents .
.Use of pheromone traps ,light traps ,Yellow sticky traps .
.Use of Neem seed kernel extract 
.Use of resistant varieties .
.Seed treatment.
10.Grow safe Food  Campaign:-This programme was launched since 2O14 by the Dte of PPQ$S through its CIPMCs.
.       Under this programme hoardings carrying following message  for judicious,need based,and safe use of chemical pesticides were displayed at the strategic places like bus stations ,Mandi Samiti,pack houses ,Railway stations ,Panchat ghar ,Schools,etc.
Use Pesticides:
.on right crops 
.against right pest.
.at right time .
.In right dosage
.applying right methods.
Follow instructions on pesticides containers before use.
This programme was found helpful for spreading the message of safe use of chemical pesticides based on the above mentioned five principles.

11.The farmers of the  places where the IPM,Organic Farming ,Zero budet based  natural farmings were demonstrated properly have changed their mindset from indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides to judicious and need based use of the chemical pesticides by adopting the use of plant and animal based manure and fertilizers and pesticides.
12.Impact of IPM on consumption of chemical and biopesticides:
        Since independence to 1990-91.the consumption of technical grade chemical pesticides in India rose from 160 MT to 75033 MT.Thereafter due to implementation of IPM programme in different crops in the country led gradual reduction of their consumption till 2005-06 reached to the level of 39773 MT tech grade except in the year 2001-02 and 2002 -03 when slight increase was noticed due to sudden outbreak of secondary pests like mealy bug,white fly,jassids ,thrips and aphids on sotton mealy bugs in fruits Woolly aphid in Sugarcane.The consumption of chemical pesticides from 2006-07to2012-13remains utmost static arround 41000 MT.However slight increase was observed duriog 55540Mt.due to flare up sucking pests in Cotton.and yellow rust disease in Wheat.
Consumption of biopesticides rose from123MT in the year 1994-95 to 6274 MT in the year2013-14..
13.Sikkim has emerged as  the first organic state in India. 
14.A demonstration of Ecological Engineering in Cole crops conducted by the Dte of PPQ $as during krishiVasant 2014  held from 
09-13 Feb , CICR Nagpur  ,inthis demonstration Cole crops were bordered by Sunflowers Mustard ,m
Merigold and coriender crops .  The Sun flowers was the tallest crop attract the Heliciverpa pest it was surrounded by two rows of Mustard which attracted Chrysoperla,and Lady bird beetles  Coriender crop was found an excellent crop for attracting different natural enemies of the main crop pests .Merigold crop was found preferable crop for egg laying of Helicoverpa It was observed that  the cabbage and Cauliflower crops found affected with with Aphid population which was found parasitized by Aphedius ,a potential Parasite of Aphid.This parasite could be able to manage Aphid population on Cole crops .and Coriender crops .
1 5.The farmers were allowed to grow Bt Cotton in India since 200 6.These varieties could be able to control the incidence of Cooton bollworms. Nearly 90 % area of cotton was covered by these varieties.During the year 2016 the resistance of these varieties was broken and the incidence of Pink bollworm was agin appeared during 2916. Thus These varieties performed nicely for the ten years continuously. 
16,Biocontrol can be used along with other nonchemical methods for IPM.However in many cases it is found very effective to control even outbreaks of different pests.
17.IPM technology was demonstrated in the villages where IPM Farmers field school programme was implemented.Every Year nearly 700 Farmers  Field School  have been organised since 1991-92 in which 30 farmers and 5 state Govt .officers were trained in every F F S village.These FFS were organised by every CIPMC with one core training team consisting 3 to 4 members called facilitators or mentors.

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